Example sentences of "problems [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Although the reach of the top horn only extends as far as the 14th fret ( which could spell balance problems given such a long neck ) the body does have a pronounced lower bout , with the face-mounted bridge situated quite well back ; this relocated mass helps to preclude potential neck-heaviness .
2 The focus is upon better management and greater resource consciousness , emphases which are undoubtedly valuable in themselves , but which pose fundamental problems given the nature and distinctiveness of the public sector .
3 Under the circumstances it was almost unbelievable that there were do few problems given the fact that ticket holders could see so little of the action .
4 To have attempted otherwise would have involved methodological problems given the nature of the responses that were received .
5 In fact , even the most basic repairs had been neglected for many years before that , so that structural problems developed where they might have been avoided .
6 The cooperation of consumers enabled the disruption of production to be minimised ; and the industry 's expertise in avoiding the more serious problems developed with experience and with the higher priorities they were granted for scarce coal supplies after the disastrous crisis of February 1947 .
7 In central and eastern Europe remedial measures must be taken to clear up environmental problems developed through years of neglect .
8 The Magnox plant was shut down over a year ago by its operators , Nuclear Electric , after problems developed with its steel reactor pressure vessels .
9 Can I assume as you did not reply to Pat Gaudin 's memo of 28 June 1993 that you want the Infosheet on Services to People with Mental Health Problems withdrawn from the Infopack ?
10 Given the problems explained above , it may be difficult , and in some cases counter-productive to attempt any correction of errors within our system , however initial investigations suggest there may be particular situations where correction can be attempted and is in fact useful to improve recognition rates .
11 Nor should the issues and problems examined here be allowed to overshadow the fact that 15,000 people in the UK are experiencing great satisfaction , involvement and a sense of achievement within their communities through their work in a Citizens Advice Bureau .
12 When that is achieved , the problems referred to by the Red Cross and the Quakers report will be substantially minimised .
13 1986 ) , and the problems compounded by the difficulty in maintaining contacts between children and their birth parents ( see Millham et al . ,
14 Despite health problems compounded by the trip , Mr Jones is to head back to Romania in three weeks .
15 Other problems listed in the study were : having to live in a more expensive environment ( 41 per cent ) ; inability of spouse to find work after relocation ( 35 per cent ) ; and families having to make new friends ( 14 per cent ) .
16 The problems listed above — and others — are real ones and may not easily be overcome .
17 However , each of these concepts may be potential search keys and as such may be described by terms which exhibit any one of the problems listed in I to 4 above .
18 We can measure the effects of some of the problems listed earlier , by using only the observations at the second time point .
19 Problems listed in their report include : Unemployment at double the Wirral average ; run-down parks and open spaces and uninviting and limited shopping facilities .
20 In this chapter we shall discuss some numerical methods for solving problems formulated in terms of matrices .
21 Both problems limited or negated the impact of development projects , giving greater scope for those who wished to resist change to argue against their continued implementation ( Philips and Fraser , 1982 ) .
22 But one of the main problems highlighted by the report was ignorance of existing health and safety guidelines , produced in 1988 by the Health and Safety Commission ( HSC ) and the Sports Council in a document called Safety in Swimming Pools .
23 Further problems highlighted by the chapter are the failure to recognize ethnic diversity and differences ( Asian is used to describe people from' India , Pakistan , Bangladesh , Sri Lanka , for example ) ; over-simplification of correlations and exclusion of environmental and societal influences ( e.g. attributing a black child 's intellectual and emotional impairment to parenting rather than to school and/or other family and community ) .
24 In this sense it was aimed at the problems highlighted by the National Unemployed Workers Movement demonstration in 1932 as well as the fascist disturbances .
25 And I think central government needs to look at the way in which inner cities are being constantly run down and erm problems highlighted and aggravated because of the circumstances .
26 Prior to this riot , the Johnson administration 's strategy had been to try and eradicate the possibility of further disorder by tackling the chronic social problems highlighted by the riots .
27 However , Jane felt that many of the problems highlighted by the videos were a result of her inexperience as a first year teacher :
28 Other serious environmental problems highlighted by the report are groundwater pollution , inadequate waste-water treatment , soil erosion , and dumping of hazardous waste .
29 The main problems highlighted by the survey are toxic waste seeping into watercourses and inadequate controls on refuse dumps .
30 It also appeared to contradict the SIB 's acceptance that it was , to some degree at least , involved in the regulatory problems highlighted by the Robert Maxwell scandal .
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