Example sentences of "once by " in BNC.

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1 But on the contrary , this world of ‘ it was rumoured ’ and ‘ that may well have been so ’ followed at once by ‘ it is more likely that nothing of the sort happened ’ — again in the opening paragraphs — is as exhilarating as the challenge of life 's opacities to a healthy curiosity .
2 Then , in that second of hushed silence before the screen and fanfare blaze out , there came from the middle of the auditorium a huge and shocked voice ‘ What the fookin''ell are yo ’ doin' ? ' , followed almost at once by two mighty smacks that could only have been someone being hit .
3 It was opened at once by the Town Clerk .
4 Nightlife can be fairly active , but even during the day there is plenty to do and we guarantee you 'll be tempted at least once by the luscious cakes on offer in the resort 's many cafes .
5 Vassall was recognised at once by the Russians in Moscow as a homosexual and blackmailed .
6 The amount , though substantial , would have been paid just once by the patron .
7 For example , a small boy was seen once by an educational psychologist at his parents ' request on a problem of which hand he should write with .
8 The driver and friend tinkered with the engine which had burst into flames twice , and been push-started once by the passengers .
9 Although that interest has been , in the course of my career , swept aside more than once by the demands of administration and politics , it will , I hope , never be finally submerged and killed .
10 Philip sailed but was forced to turn back almost at once by the weather .
11 What clouds the issue is that I have caught hundreds of bream , of all sizes , and from a variety of waters , when the surface of the water has not been broken once by a fish .
12 Single pellets were put into a plastic bag and stepped on once by the experimenter ( weight 72 kg ) .
13 Every word in it has been typed four times ( once by our Paris correspondent , once by the French telex operator , once by a typist in our office , and finally by the Linotype operator at Index Printers ) .
14 Every word in it has been typed four times ( once by our Paris correspondent , once by the French telex operator , once by a typist in our office , and finally by the Linotype operator at Index Printers ) .
15 Every word in it has been typed four times ( once by our Paris correspondent , once by the French telex operator , once by a typist in our office , and finally by the Linotype operator at Index Printers ) .
16 On another occasion he had been struck once by another man at work and we were furious at him for not returning the blow .
17 There was a more brilliant flash of lightning followed almost at once by a great crash of thunder .
18 Like Dom Pérignon , Brother Oudart was interested in perfecting the art of winemaking and we know , from a record of a transaction which took place at Pierry on 9 September 1713 , that he was visited at least once by the older cellarmaster from Hautvillers .
19 When you replace the receiver after calling them , you get caught up at once by all the other pressing demands on your time , while they , in some cases , may be left sitting in a silent room , turning over everything you have said , and sifting it eagerly for confirmation of your real affection and concern for them .
20 Possessed for once by a spirit of happy hilarity , the Indian crowd unhitched the horses from Mountbatten 's carriage and dragged it through the streets ; British officers were lifted shoulder high and cheered .
21 Once by man and angels to be seen
22 A site for a depôt was leased from A. Ross on 23 July 1906 and work was put in hand at once by Dick , Kerr Ltd. , to erect a building capable of holding 60 cars .
23 An audible groan rippled through the new Form Two , quelled at once by one of Miss Hardbroom 's piercing glances which always made each pupil feel that they had been noticed personally .
24 Frodo puts on the Ring six times during The Lord of the Rings : once in the house of Tom Bombadil ( which does not seem to count ) , once by accident in the Prancing Pony , once on Weathertop , twice on Amon Hen , once in the final scene in the Sammath Naur .
25 She was slashed across the throat once by a man with a Stanley knife believed to have been bought earlier at a stall .
26 In the first week Olwyn was in bed only once by 8pm .
27 He provided the first correct solution selected to last week 's query and knew that Brian Little ( Leicester ) and Steve Perryman ( Watford ) are current Football League managers who have been capped just once by England .
28 ‘ City of Truro ’ was in light steam for the last time on the WSR as a static exhibit but upstaged for once by a host of traction and ploughing engines , vintage vehicles and other displays !
29 And it was captured once by the Dutch , who followed as would-be colonists between 1656 and 1796 .
30 Scheduled to appear in 38 Carry Ons but only appeared once by mistake when he walked through a shot by accident .
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