Example sentences of "'d made " in BNC.

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1 The last time they 'd made love , or would , probably .
2 Perhaps it would have been too easy : they 'd made love the first night they met , both involved with women who gave them pain .
3 ‘ If you 'd made it you 'd presumably insist it was Irish stew .
4 Suddenly , they 'd made it : huge black fluttering blots on the smooth features of a full frame Elvis .
5 He 'd made major strides in establishing the kind of company he wanted , which was n't the kind of company David wanted , and I think David saw that when he got to New York .
6 I thought about all the young men who 'd climbed into those machines and the death they 'd seen and the death they 'd made and the death they 'd received .
7 Even up here in the wood miles away from the class-room Philip felt his face burn at the way he 'd made a fool of himself .
8 ‘ That 's cruel , ’ said Lee , holding on to Caspar with two hands through the loop he 'd made in the end of the wire .
9 He 'd made a regular spaghetti junction of his potato .
10 Way back , he found the sketch he 'd made of the hide .
11 And there were all the other women he 'd made lucky too — all the hairdressers he 'd flirted with , all the travel agents , florists and girls in bars .
12 ‘ … and you see , when Hitler became bosoms with Stalin just before this stupid war started — I still think it 's a stupid war — it dawned on me that he 'd made a nonsense of my belief in him . ’
13 The engines roared and gushed , and Star Eye were on their way to the city , substantially richer than before they 'd made the diversion .
14 She would be taken care of ; he 'd made sure of that .
15 He told me of a visit he 'd made to California .
16 I asked why should I bother to do that when presumably if I had set the trap I would expect Harry 's car still to be there after the races , and he just wrote down my answer as if I 'd made a confession . ’
17 I was in a fever of vicarious excitement , looking at street plans of Florence and trying to remember the name of a boy I 'd met in the Boboli Gardens in 1961 , but friends and relations were wanting to know whether I had really vetted the family , whether I 'd like to hear a selection of au pair horror stories , and whether I 'd made good any gaps in my daughter 's domestic skills .
18 The last time I 'd made for the bog he 'd broken my back when he caught me straight between the shoulder blades with a loaf of bread .
19 He 'd made mistakes , but he had salvaged them .
20 I just wondered what progress you 'd made so far .
21 To have had to practically beg the man to cooperate with him , and now be faced with the God-awful mess he 'd made of it .
22 He was determined to let the clan see they 'd made no mistake in choosing him , and was off on a round of visits to all the main families , to impress them with his strength and intelligence , good sense and good humour .
23 We 'd made our first four of the week there and that was that .
24 At first it looked as though I 'd made a big mistake .
25 I 'd made it but by the skin of my teeth .
26 And I think even while we 'd been in Opposition , remember no one knew whether we were going to win or not , it surprised many people when we did , there had been some sort of discreet across-the-fence interest at the professional Civil Service level in some of the concepts that we were developing and I 'd made it a point of writing the occasional pamphlet as our thinking went along to send out smoke signals to everyone including the civil servants as to what we were about .
27 Better call the banns cause we 'd made our
28 I 'd made love to her class of Englishwoman before , and had no particular wish to renew the experience .
29 I 'd seen the play — some touring company did it — they 'd made it into SF , all in space , and Oedipus was a two-headed Zaphod Beeblebrox character trying to kiss his mother with one of his faces and weep sorrowful tears with the other .
30 Within three and a half seconds he 'd made a couple of marks on the paper and shoved it back .
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