Example sentences of "eyes while " in BNC.

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1 Obediently Thacker closed his eyes while his curious companion rummaged through one of many hiding places and produced a dark bottle .
2 I 'd closed my eyes while she was cutting so I could n't see myself in the mirror .
3 I say advantage because if you were to close your eyes while playing , it would be impossible to say which guitar the Carlton 's neck reminded you of most .
4 Watching people you hardly know getting progressively drunk in front of your eyes while you soberly and precisely monitor the way they change is unexpectedly disturbing .
5 I watched her shuffle , wriggle and avert her eyes while we made stilted conversation about our lives .
6 Raquel Welch has frantic eyes while Kate O'Mara 's are lost in some dream .
7 She 's met loads of really nice people and does n't know where to put her eyes while the blokes walk past !
8 ‘ Sometimes it all comes to a head , ’ Gran said , low , and shut her eyes while the pain furrowed her face .
9 The needle slipped into his blue-veined arm and he closed his eyes while he felt the first rush .
10 I closed my eyes while he was gone .
11 Li Yuan … if you would avert your eyes while the Lady Wu gets out and finds her clothes ? ’
12 So Julie smiled at us , in a half-proud , half-scared sort of way , that made her look more as if she was going to burst into tears , and marched up the street , pigtails bobbing , and over the main road to the bus-stop , and stood there gazing across at us with blank eyes while the traffic trundled backwards and forwards between us .
13 She shook her head at her own lurid imagination and walked into the showroom to find Roman examining one of the dresses with critical eyes while Myra chatted happily .
14 He smiled slowly and held her prisoner with his eyes while he removed his jacket with an almost leisurely air .
15 She improvised wildly and skilfully , dabbing at her eyes while she spoke with a rather grubby handkerchief .
16 ‘ Do n't put your hands over my eyes while I 'm driving , there 's a good girl . ’
17 And when she had helped Carole to put Emma and Sophie to bed she had n't been able to prevent tears coming to her eyes while she had listened to them solemnly saying their prayers .
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