Example sentences of "others just " in BNC.

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1 It is a treadmill , but if an artist is n't prepared to do it , there are two or three hundred others just waiting for their chance .
2 Everyone starts talking at once — some of them shouting and others just laughing .
3 Some weapons home in on infra-red sources , some on radar , others just go where they are told .
4 But for each one so highlighted in this way there are many others just out of sight contributing equally to the Club 's welfare and success .
5 They had to leave the two burning galleys , and a third , Lachlan 's damaged one , was sinking under them ; they transferred the men from it to the others just in time .
6 She had clung terrified to her hiding-place as it was carried and dropped with several others just like it .
7 Some took it as a great laugh ; others as a brave attempt to champion a little-known music ; and others just hated it .
8 For example , some planners file paper cuttings while others just keep the ideas in their own mind .
9 The silence was oppressive as they made their way past mounds of earth , some with battered wooden crosses , others just forlorn heaps of clay .
10 Others just continued borrowing until they ran out of luck or excuses .
11 Remember Jesus ' Golden Rule : ‘ Do to others just what you want them to do for you . ’
12 Some dropped out and got into drugs , others just fancied drinking with their mates in the pub .
13 Later discussing the experience with his workmates the reaction was divided , some voiced complete disbelief , some agreed as they too had had similar experiences , others just nodded agreement with Willie .
14 Does that make a difference , or did he and others just start the ball rolling ?
15 Some people say there is no God , others just do n't know .
16 Now we have a society where some people — young and old — cling with belief to the system 's formal structures , while others just drift with them looking for fun , ease , comfort , and ultimately a way out .
17 Some of us do it every day , others just once a week .
18 Some have been classics of their genre ( some of our reggae and C&W compilations , for instance ) , some have captured , however controversially , the spirit of the age and set the debate buzzing ( ‘ C86 ’ ) and others just made piles of dosh .
19 It is common currency within executive search that consultants who are successful with one national or international executive search firm may find it very hard to be successful in others just because the expectations and culture , way of operating and behaviour may be vastly different .
20 There was one good Carling Black Label ad — where a guy walks into a bar and asks for a pint of Carling Black Label and they say , ‘ I bet he drinks Carling Black Label ’ — but we did n't have to sit through all the others just to see that .
21 Erm I 'm half and half I I I go along with Angela in the main that the the kids in , generally speaking the kids that I 've talked to do n't want to put their own input a lot of them do n't want to because , as Angela says , they can not find the appropriate words and some of the others just write some some stuff that I would look at
22 Some will make it to the market , others just fade away into their particular niche .
23 There were people of all ages , wandering back and forth , some studying the paintings for long moments others just glancing , some checking their guides , some making notes .
24 The police are n't telling us anything — I have n't been able to get as far as Marshall and the others just look mysterious and say they do n't know . ’
25 Others just buy and sell them , ’ continued Kronweiser lugubriously .
26 The others just looked at me as they lay .
27 Er and but others just feel they want to do it that way , other companies .
28 Some were convinced , others just looked bemused .
29 No I did those others just
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