Example sentences of "market [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Financial Times publisher Pearson was among them but snubbed the downward trend with the help of continuing good feelings in the market about BSkyB , in which it has a stake .
2 There are jokes even now when I go in the market about them glowing in the dark . ’
3 Yet another industry consortium has been born in the shape of SGML Open , which brings together electronic distribution , authoring and database software companies to educate the commercial market about the advantages of the language and provide information to help organisations to implement the standard ; and to provide a forum where vendors can resolve issues in applying the standard to real-world application by providing guidelines : the announcement of the formal founding , organisational structure and proposed programme will be made at the Seybold Seminars in Boston in April ; the backers believe that the language has the potential to do for document-based information what SQL has done for databases .
4 Far more pertinent was the fact that Mendoros thought he could see a gap in a market about which he knew a great deal , and which he reckoned could best be filled from the UK .
5 TRANSACTIONS on the money market worth £6bn undertaken by Hammersmith and Fulham Council may have to be honoured , even if ruled unlawful , it was suggested in the High Court yesterday .
6 Mr Grisham 's publishers , Random House , consider rail travellers a key market worth ‘ persuading ’ to buy books .
7 Metropolitan Area Networks could form a market worth $2,000m worldwide by the end of the century , Siemens AG reckons : the company believes that hardware spending on the systems could soar , while customers using the systems could generate a further $10,000m of business : the remarks were made at a conference to announce a £3m order won by GEC Plessey Telecommunications Ltd , in which Siemens owns 40% , to supply metropolitan area equipment to British Telecommunications Plc , Reuter reports .
8 ‘ There is already a global market worth many millions of pounds per annum for CD-ROMs , to say nothing of hand-held systems like the Sony Discman and the electronic books produced by Franklin and others . ’
9 In Europe , latest European Commission figures suggest a market worth about US$2 billion in 1988 with more than half generated by UK sales .
10 Among the 12 recipients are : Johnson Matthey , whose autocatalysts , are world leaders in a global market worth hundreds of millions of pounds a year ; Pilkington , whose energy saving glass is projected to be worth more than £100 million a year by the late 1990s ; Agricultural Genetics Company and Horticultural Research International , which have developed biological alternatives to chemical pesticides ; Sericol , for the development of water-based screen printing inks ; Ricoh UK Products , for chlorofluorocarbon ( CFC ) elimination in selenium drum production ; and Kerry Ultrasonics , whose water-based cleaning system replaces the need for CFCs .
11 This one 's by Mars , slugging it out with rivals Walls for the lion 's share of a market worth more than £200 million a year .
12 By recruiting a team of specialists able to relate experience of industry to the huge market opportunities , OSO has helped firms to capture the lion 's share of a UK market worth more than £10 billion a year and branch into exports of the technology spurred by developments in UK waters .
13 Part of the reason for this is that the American professoriat is the largest in the world , while the American market for current art is unprecedented ; it is evident that the turnover of the American art market as a whole is the largest in the world .
14 They supply most of the pubs and they distort the market as a result of their sheer size and advertising wealth .
15 Yesterday it secured the services of Rob Crookall , a salesman known in the market as Wunderkind .
16 Even Cezanne 's rare prints are starting to look a bit undervalued , in terms of the way in which the market as a whole is performing .
17 In July 1931 he declared that he could not ‘ work with anyone except on the ground that he believes in the guarding of our home market and the development of our Imperial market as absolute essentials ’ .
18 Its next generation Space Wagon is due in Japan next month , badged for the home market as the Chariot , while the Shogun replacement makes its debut in Japan next February as the Pajero .
19 The sporty 1.5-litre twin-cam coupe , known on the home market as the Cynos , is gunning straight for the Honda CRX and Nissan NX coupe — but not in the UK , because exports to this country are n't planned .
20 The company claims that in the year to September , its volume of beer production rose by 3.5 per cent although the beer market as a whole fell slightly .
21 A failure to recognise the implications of demographic change for the labour market as a whole is a further factor which could seriously affect the competitive position of smaller businesses .
22 Prices and rents are likely to fall slowly in most cities , though there could be some serious casualties in the boiling Berlin market as sanity returns .
23 If Sid chose to hang on , he could now sell his shares for around 85% more than he paid — a far better deal than he would have got buying the market as a whole .
24 THE creation of a spot market for industrial gas to help cope with the volumes coming on to the market as a result of the reduction in the British Gas business has been raised by the Office of Fair Trading .
25 There are success stories of companies which have used this unlisted market as the first step to the big-time , but too many have remained stuck with a quotation but no business in their shares .
26 Doubts about banks ' capital reserves , which include stock in clients ' companies , and property-related bad debts may continue to undermine confidence in the market as a whole .
27 This is occurring at the same time as the Commission is using the single market as an excuse to augment its power for political means .
28 Manufactures should fist distinguish what products would suit the market as a whole and then see whether any special requirements are needed by those who are very old .
29 The introduction of the ‘ mixed economy ’ did not imply any acceptance by Bukharin of the notion of ‘ market socialism ’ ; on the contrary , he saw the market as a means to achieving socialism within the framework of the ‘ mixed economy ’ in which the state and state-planning dominated .
30 Yet savers will still profit from the bull market as beneficiaries of the pension funds to which they sold their shares .
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