Example sentences of "mean i " in BNC.

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1 I mean I had no idea that by doing ‘ I left no ring with her ’ by Viola I was doing something that must have been heard a hundred times that day — I had no idea .
2 I mean I 'm abandoning it , I said .
3 You mean … you mean I 'm cleared ? ’
4 ‘ You mean I may go soon ? ’
5 I am trying — I mean I know I let the boys lean too much . ’
6 ‘ I could never do that to her , ’ I said , ‘ or perhaps I mean I could never do it to myself .
7 ‘ No , sir , I mean yes , sir , I mean I 'm an actor , sir . ’
8 ‘ You mean I did , ’ Otley corrected me .
9 I mean I assumed he wanted me to know Poindexter 's name was Beethoven … it did n't just slip out .
10 So I said , ‘ Maria , I am experimenting and when I say ‘ experiment ’ I mean I want to see how it presents itself .
11 I mean I was just doing my job .
12 I suppose you think I mean I want to walk down the aisle in white with my friends watching , but that 's not it , that 's not what this feeling is to do with .
13 ‘ You mean I could use them to help in the search ? ’
14 I mean I did a climb — A CLIMB !
15 I do n't know what you 've got planned , there , but a decent boys ' day school is not something to be entered into lightly , it 's a hell of a commitment , I mean I send mine to the local primary and hope for the best …
16 I mean I said ‘ I want something by next Thursday ’ and , of course , they were n't there or the papers were n't done .
17 ‘ I need a solicitor — well Legal Aid — I mean I 'm being done for — you know — interfering with my daughter — incest they call it do n't they ? ’
18 ‘ You mean I have cancer ’
19 You mean I might lose my hair … my teeth ? ! ’
20 I mean I did not need to stay on at school or get my B.A. at Strathclyde to know when not to F or C. Fuck-me shoes , I just handed them back to the saleslady with as much dignity as I could muster and says , thanks but no thanks , I do n't know when I 'd ever have the occasion to werr them .
21 I mean I 'm no historian , you 'd have to check up on this with my hubby , but as far as I know the Reformation started up North in Europe a guid lang mile away from Rome and the Pope and that , up in the Region of what we now know as Holland , and Germany and Alsace Lorraine .
22 ‘ You mean I could say anything at all ? ’ she asked with a mischievous smile .
23 ‘ No , I mean I really ca n't . ’
24 Would there be a fee involved , I mean I ask not only for me but for Ivan as well since he lives in Devon .
25 No problem — you must understand that I 've aged a little , I mean I still look roughly the same .
26 ‘ You mean I 'm riding him ? ’
27 ‘ You mean I might win this afternoon ?
28 ‘ Sorry , I mean I 'm pregnant and , er , you said you could help me the day after tomorrow and I wanted to know if … ’
29 You mean I shall meet your brother ?
30 ‘ Somewhere , ’ Lee said , ‘ I do n't know where — in Africa , I think — there dwell two tribes , close to one another — I mean I think their assumed boundaries could well be adjacent — who hold diametrically opposed attitudes to the birth of twins .
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