Example sentences of "problem the " in BNC.

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1 It is also an unprecedented legal recognition here of a problem the very existence of which was for many decades denied by a Communist state claiming to be founded upon the interests of the working class .
2 These measures could quite justifiably be regarded as something of a sledgehammer to crack a very small nut , since they are intended to deal with a problem the existence of which is almost totally unproven .
3 To get over this problem the latter exit is gently angled so that from La Scala the exit/entrance is square to the Piazza .
4 Where there is a co-ordination problem the issuing of an authoritative directive can supply the missing link in the argument .
5 This is not good practice as it leads to confusion amongst users with an increased possibility of errors that may lead to the very problem the procedure was trying to avoid .
6 That is the problem the planners must solve . ’
7 To solve this problem the motion of the sun had to be investigated .
8 Apart from the key worker problem the inadequacy of other services was , as one would expect , a continuing difficulty in both locations , though the particular areas of difficulty varied .
9 To solve a problem the student must recall the relevant concepts and rules and combine them in a way that satisfies the principles of good practice .
10 One problem the French planners have still to solve is the role of female graduates , some of whom have requested to take part in the new scheme .
11 The keyboards could put copy into the computers but because of the software problem the computers refuse to release it .
12 Maybe the authors realised this anyway , as they each made their colonies telepathic — and for that to solve the problem the collective mind must in some sense exist as a permanent , ordered structure of its own .
13 Unemployment is clearly a more serious problem the greater is the number of unemployed and the longer is the average duration of unemployment spells .
14 From my own observations , generally the greater the weight problem the faster the rate of eating .
15 If society perceives something to be a problem the solution is provided by government .
16 If you can get hold of the rarer tritium you may liberate nearly 18 MeV through the reaction : A problem the problem in the attempts to fuse nuclei together and release their internal energy — is that all nuclei carry positive electrical charge .
17 But I knew that it was no massive dental operation in progress but that the sluice itself was blocked by leaves , that the water going into the pipe which fed the turbine was at a minimum and that if I did n't get up and deal with the problem the turbine would shut down and the melin would be pretty cold in the morning .
18 The trap is easily avoided by selecting the problem the parents would most like to be rid of .
19 The problem the professional faces is :
20 When the mother was able to anticipate a problem the children made fewer demands and there was less need to control the child .
21 Removal of the food decreases anxiety in both the mother and child initially and so is reinforcing , but later when the mother realizes that there is a problem the anxiety never resolves and the child is fussed over in order to encourage eating .
22 The memorandum ( endorsed by the National Joint Advisory Council representing the British Employers ' Confederation , the TUC , and the nationalized industries ) identified as the essential problem the provision of a place in society for the ever-growing proportion of elderly persons and suggested that : ‘ Age sixty-five for men and sixty for women ought no longer to be regarded as ‘ normal retiring age ’ ' .
23 As a consequence they pose real problems to the policy maker , practitioner and manager , who are expected to respond to a problem the magnitude and significance of which are open to wide and sometimes conflicting interpretations .
24 If there is a problem the client or assistant can contact the manager who will mediate .
25 For a party whose purpose was to solve the unemployment problem the BUF was conspicuously unsuccessful in recruiting a mass following from its victims .
26 The other major problem the region faced in trying to put together a strategy was that neither of the managing districts was actually convinced that it was feasible to provide a service completely devolved from the large hospitals .
27 Reshuffling its North America operations is , ZDS officials say , ‘ part of an effort to make the firm more responsive to the personal computer Unix-based market worldwide … the company had to start at the heart of the problem the bureaucracy in the company . ’
28 The main problem the cloner will have in getting to volume production is Sun 's current monopoly of Viking CPU and memory component supplies .
29 Here it is the problem the historian poses that determines what constitutes an event and what status it has .
30 Yeah erm course the other problem the congress system had I suppose a te a a technical problem .
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