Example sentences of "see [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Whoever wins , we must see change !
2 'In other words , ’ said Codron , ‘ we were responsible for totally mucking up this woman 's entry into womanhood by letting her see Loot . ’
3 It was stated that authorities on the Japanese constitution did not see difficulty in fitting security provisions into a treaty or placing it in a discrete American-Japanese treaty .
4 Leannda , daughter of Courtaulds Fibres employee Chris Ward — see story above — needs expensive eye surgery in America and the Chris Lumb Fund has contributed £3,644.47 towards her treatment .
5 ‘ Those are base matters , I can not see base matters .
6 As you board any European airline shuttle you may see cabin crew hurriedly moving the cabin dividers to make more seats available in business class , knowing that greater profits can be made from this sector .
7 Right we 'll now see chairman 's remarks which erm since Alan is not here has asked me to read .
8 So you can see Chairman the facts and figures simply do not support either the report which came to the social services committee originally or Mr inflated figures .
9 I ca n't see Chairman what drawing you 're showing .
10 They , if they want any quotes why do n't they go and see chairman , who 's Terry ?
11 The relevant comment I have heard most often at NCT meetings is that on-one minds a child displaying anti-social behaviour as long as we can see mum is doing something about it !
12 We 'll be going to London for a few days next month to find suitable premises , so I 'll be able to go down and see Mum and Dad and the children .
13 ‘ That 's true , ’ he agreed , and Anne who had joined them said consolingly to Sarah , ‘ Maybe the war will be over soon anyway , and Terry will see Mum . ’
14 I could see Mum really had it hard for money .
15 A lot of people I know have got satellite television but it is quite expensive and somehow , I can not see mum agreeing to it !
16 I mean alright , you can see mum 's point in one respect , because she works nine till six every day .
17 You can see mum carrying that to church .
18 The only thing is though , if I decided to become vegetarian and I would n't be able to , see mum goes , you 'll get what I 'm meat !
19 Although I could n't actually see Maté 's sneer , I felt it in the darkness .
20 A utilitarian who holds this ‘ attitudinist ’ view will see utilitarianism as the expression of a fundamental attitude in favour of a certain way of reaching decisions .
21 Hislop believes that , as crop subsidies fall , farmers will see woodland creation as a practical alternative .
22 Beautiful , you do n't see Yew 's out in the open much do you ?
23 My next task is to find some printing As you can see printing ink is delivered both in tins and if we have any left there may be somewhere , in tubes .
24 First , we will see prayer as a natural way of talking with God .
25 More seriously , in the ‘ late ’ narrative of ‘ The Disaster of the Gladden Fields ’ ( UT , pp. 271–87 ) , one can see Tolkien reconsidering Isildur .
26 She did n't think she would ever see freedom .
27 No , but I mean you could see play really well .
28 I could see Sister 's point .
29 At the end she could see part of the ward , a gleaming parquet floor and white-painted bedsteads .
30 We can see part of the answer by looking at how modern DNA molecules cooperate in the chemical factories that are living cells .
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