Example sentences of "to get [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 The next stage of the crisis was precipitated by the Serbians , who declared war on Bulgaria to get compensating advantages ( 14 November 1885 ) .
2 Cos you want to get cracking do n't you ?
3 It was time to get going .
4 Once you 've got a little bit of a base , you 'll be able to get going again .
5 As he was the NME 's star writer I guess Malcolm realised that once the band really started to get going , Nick would be able to help us out — whether he knew it or not .
6 They stay up late , are slow to get going in the morning , and seem to gain in strength as the day wears on .
7 We made the mistake of not putting in the trees before the hedges and it 's taken them seven or eight years to get going because it 's so exposed .
8 As Devon Loch struggled up there was still time for him to get going again and hold off E.S.B. , but his hind legs seemed not to function and he could not move on .
9 It will be keen to get going .
10 While vegetables generally have the capacity to germinate soon after spring sowing , however low the temperature drops , flower seeds , also due for sowing soon on adjacent land to provide cut flowers during the summer , do need more warmth to get going .
11 I was slightly surprised that he should get to the front so early , in his other races he 's usually slow to get going .
12 Whilst there were many at this level of farming there were also those who were struggling to get going .
13 It takes much cranking of the engine with the starter motor to get going again — although the time it takes to fire up does vary .
14 It was always hard to get going , for if I did n't carry my own sins , and hence guilt , then my dad 's sins were always about to be draped around my neck like a dead albatross .
15 The method of work has been to get going at the time dictated by the candidate 's first duty of the day and the time taken to get to him .
16 This year , however , after a winter riding moto-cross and with a more achievable target , I can not wait to get going . ’
17 Saints again struggled to get going in the second half and had to wait until three minutes from time for their final try through Hunte after numerous handling mistakes .
18 ‘ I 'll have to tell me missis about that trick , and tell her to get going and save some money …
19 ‘ I 've got to get going , Joe . ’
20 This can be useful ; the only thing to bear in mind is that too many icons in here will increase the time taken for Windows to get going , so it 's best to keep Start Up for the real essentials .
21 The pages turn , but somehow it never seems to get going .
22 The species also exhibited a character trait which was familiar to Gustave : ‘ I am , in both my physical and my mental activity , like the dromedary , which it is very hard to get going and very hard , once it is going , to stop ; continuity is what I need , whether of rest or of motion . ’
23 If this is your plan , then do not be frightened of ducking one or two sterns to get going on port .
24 Even though we 're first to get going we 're not exactly quick to get going .
25 Even though we 're first to get going we 're not exactly quick to get going .
26 What 's it How long 's it take it to get going ?
27 Unfortunately , however , Tony Walker will not be joining us until mid July , but I hope branches will be able to get going under their own steam in the meantime .
28 In other words , there are many opportunities for rudimentary cumulative selection to get going .
29 The marketing department of Dataease stresses how easy it is to get going with the product , most other databases have to be programmed .
30 Our 1963 Herald 12/50 was keen to get going , and at the allotted time we set off through the Borders and towards North Yorkshire .
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