Example sentences of "week [that] " in BNC.

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1 But several senior finance officers said last week that between two and three dozen health authorities could face bed closures and service cuts in the next couple of months , with others deferring developments .
2 One source said : ‘ He gave an undertaking to the DDRB in his submission last week that we will monitor very closely the effects of the contract in the first year .
3 Mr Tzannetakis , who has won public affection for his unassuming style , said this week that no single-party government could have achieved these things — the broader consensus was what was needed .
4 The British Medical Association has said that if the legislation does require authorities to keep to drug budgets , the association will see that as a cash limit and cry ‘ foul ’ after accepting assurances from Mr Clarke last week that budgets would not operate as cash limits .
5 He wished that the BMA would now stop ‘ quibbling ’ and accept the assurance that it had accepted last week that patients will get all the drugs they need , he added .
6 Evans , like Haggerty , is not in the Saints side for his cerebral contribution , though there was evidence against New Zealand last week that the giant prop is at last gaining an understanding of his league potential .
7 Fearing that the crackdown after the Tiananmen Square assault may be softening , city authorities warned this week that ‘ counter-revolutionary ’ remnants would become a ‘ time bomb ’ unless ‘ ferreted out ’ with more vigour .
8 Karl Otto Pohl , Bundesbank president , said last week that the West German central bank favoured a revaluation of the mark within the EMS to help to reduce international trade imbalances .
9 Political leaders from across the assembly had resolved earlier in the week that an apparent lacuna in the rulebook which gave the neo-fascists the chairmanship and vice-chairmanship of the delegations should be filled so that the pair could be voted out of their posts .
10 The FIA said last week that the results of the Spanish Grand Prix would remain , regardless of the outcome of any appeal .
11 There was a precipitous decline in television 's projection of the Conservative Party 's overall credibility in the fourth week of the campaign , a week that included the infamous ‘ wobbly Thursday ’ ( see Chapter 4 , Table 4.16 , for details ) .
12 It was no good the Prime Minister telling the Bangladeshis last week that the making and administration of the laws of this country is our own business .
13 It has been confirmed this week that political parties will no longer get financial subsidies , and the party urgently needs new sources of money .
14 Ministers actually grappling with policy are wary of Sir Leon Brittan 's suggestion this week that East Germany be integrated into the EC , not as a new member , but as an extension of an existing member , West Germany , which already provides the Krenz regime with special access to the West .
15 Mr Gorbachev proposed during a visit to Italy last week that such a conference be convened in 1990 .
16 Leonard has again been saying this week that this is likely to be his final contest .
17 But in a week that marked the opening of the campaign for February 's elections , the red dizziness was not confined to restaurants .
18 But in a week that marked the opening of the campaign for February 's elections , the red dizziness was not confined to restaurants .
19 He has not fought since he lost to Tyson in February and he indicated only last week that he would be prepared to fight again .
20 On the contrary , the US decision , which was taken without consultation or advance notice , will act as a strong deterrent to accepting a US proposal last week that the Alliance should involve itself in regional issues outside Europe .
21 Senior White House aides and CIA officials have been telling members of the Congressional Intelligence Committees this week that Gen Noriega is drinking heavily , taking drugs , and is so nervous that he moves addresses four and five times a night .
22 The 18-year-old from Dinas Powys , currently Britain 's best young player , learned this week that she has won a place at St Hilda 's College for September 1991 to study physiology and psychology .
23 ITV also announced this week that , with the agreement of the Football League , they had taken out the Arsenal v Liverpool match from the fixtures for February 24 and it would be played at a later date , invoking a clause in their contract with the League that allows them to use three matches a season in this way .
24 It has an overdraft of just over £1m , and its finance committee was told this week that , after hoarding trade-union and individual affiliations since 1987 , the party would have some £6m to spend in a May or June election — still much less than the Tories , but twice what it spent in the last election .
25 IN THE week that Luciano Pavarotti , arthritic in knee but glorious in voice , was making his triumphant return to the London stage , the operatic news from home was alarming .
26 On the grimmer side , the national health service , which only weeks ago was apparently closing down vital wards , said this week that it was fully prepared to look after thousands of war casualties .
27 It was not until the bombing had been going on for almost a week that the Iraqi foreign minister issued a protest .
28 Mr Mitterrand repeated last week that he sees no reason to change prime minister ‘ for the moment ’ .
29 His more startling assertion in a long television interview last week that some members of the banned P2 masonic lodge were also ‘ patriots ’ brought Mr Cossiga within a hair 's breadth of provoking a constitutional crisis .
30 On the one occasion that week that Gina brought home something , he complained about it .
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