Example sentences of "order is " in BNC.

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1 For example , checking the items in the wrong order is totally unacceptable because it can so easily lead to missing something out altogether .
2 To reveal these is to peel back a curtain and show this version of institutional order is only one social possibility , and furthermore is a continually manipulated experience .
3 So although in a liberal democracy it would seem practical and even suitable for the police to have a say in the way order is defined and maintained , as Foucault ( 1970 ) and Douglas ( 1987 ) have shown , this will inevitably take on an expansionist line ; for anything other than bland support of the proposals of the institution will present a challenge or pose a threat .
4 Anything other than an uncritical acceptance is a direct challenge to the idea of the rule of law which has sustained the police since their inception and which argues that the replication of a known system of order is the best means of containing those who need to be controlled .
5 The old order is rapidly changing .
6 The purchase order is vigorously opposed by the Wolverhampton branch of CAMRA .
7 Because housing is given a weighting of 17.5 per cent in the retail price index , an increase of this order is likely to add 0.4 and 0.5 points to the inflation rate in November , assuming there are no other pressures on prices that month .
8 As Soviet order is relaxed in Eastern Europe , nations which had been kept in their place are reasserting their identities and rediscovering old aspirations .
9 ‘ The socialist order is in danger in Hungary because internal and external reactionary forces have launched a counter-offensive aimed at restoring capitalism , ’ warned the manifesto of the party 's ‘ Marxist Unity Platform ’ which was read out at a mass rally in a Budapest stadium .
10 Where people are crowded together , particularly when public order is in question ; where hazardous materials are being moved ; where traditional industrial disciplines and organisation are breaking down , as in parts of the construction industry , there is real reason for anxiety .
11 His teaching was a challenge to Christians , more radical than it seemed : ‘ The state is there for man , not the other way round , the socialist order is there for man , not the other way round . ’
12 If salmonella is found , the producer is informed , a Zoonoses Order is issued banning the sale or movement of eggs from the farm , and ministry officials carry out further tests on the flock and the environment .
13 A Disinfection Order is also placed on the premises and further testing carried out to ensure that it is salmonella-free .
14 And , further , in areas like Easton , where there is very little crime related to the troubles , the police do not on the whole develop the attitude that law and order is a battle between the RUC and Catholics .
15 If the complaint is proved , a nuisance order is made requiring the defendant to get the necessary work done .
16 Mail order is suffering from the public 's current reluctance to part with cash for non-essential goods .
17 Mail order is available through the Royal Mint Coin Club , Freepost , P.O.Box 500 , Cardiff CF1 1YY .
18 Mail order is suffering from the public 's current reluctance to part with cash for non-essential goods .
19 Mail order is available through the Royal Mint Coin Club , Freepost , P.O.Box 500 , Cardiff CF1 1YY .
20 Mail order is available through the Royal Mint Coin Club , Freepost , P.O.Box 500 , Cardiff CF1 1YY .
21 There are no public bars or outlets for purchasing lager , and the only route for escaping the forces of law and order is a taxing swim through a shark-infested bay .
22 ‘ A time of swift , sometimes brutal change when the old established order is all but over , ’ he says .
23 The order is uncompromising , and disconcerts Abraham .
24 It is only by exaggerating the difference between within and without , above and below , male and female , with and against , that a semblance of order is created . ’
25 They all do , of course , since law and order is the one subject on which every single one has instinctive , visceral , views .
26 When a cubic curve is added to a parabola the resultant curve will depend upon which order is higher , odd or even .
27 The Lithuanian order is an unusually large one so it is likely to be at the bottom end of that range .
28 CHELSEA 'S battle with their landlords escalated last night when Cabra Estates gave notice that a winding-up order is to be issued against the club .
29 Man 's place in the primate order is that of an ape derivative .
30 The contracting countries are specified by Order in Council made by virtue of the 1965 Act , and such an order is conclusive evidence that a country is a contracting country within the meaning of the Convention .
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