Example sentences of "often had " in BNC.

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1 The upsurge in traffic in the 1980s has alas meant that passengers have often had to stand in the centre aisles , in the lobbies , and around the door vestibules .
2 In fact , although there are both surreal and baroque elements in his work , Gironella prefers to call it mestizo ’ , a term which has often had negative , racist overtones but which has been acclaimed in this century , especially in Mexico , as a positive value , indeed the distinguishing feature of Mexican culture : the rich and fruitful mixture of the European with the indigenous American .
3 But elsewhere in the country in general they were usually done by indigenous working-class women whose mothers had often had similar jobs before them .
4 Tall and powerful , he is naturally an attacking batsman who loves to play his shots , and his Test average has no doubt suffered from having often had to play defensively to shore up the innings .
5 He had often had tea with girls from his workshop .
6 People who respond in this way have often had a difficult early life when they had separation forced upon them , maybe by a parent being hospitalized or going away or dying .
7 The success of such authors has probably contributed to the view that the inspiration for postmodernism in Britain has often had to come from foreign models rather than a native tradition of this form of writing , or even much of a disposition towards it .
8 In Spain , for instance , no railway station had a hotel attached and passengers often had a long distance to travel from stations to reach their ultimate destination .
9 ‘ We English have often had a different way of looking at such things from the French , Mr Lewis . ’
10 This is especially noticeable in women who have often had no previous experience of public meetings or lobbying .
11 People have often had bad experiences with objective setting .
12 But banks have often had problems in fathoming the requirements of technology based companies , particularly new enterprises with no track record .
13 Milligan 's jottings have often had a strong environmental message as well .
14 Neil Murray has often had to come into bands and reproduce another player 's bass part , or even their bass sound …
15 John Hurst , the managing director of Deon who make a Ferrari Dino replica , has often had his cars mistaken for the real thing by owners of the genuine article .
16 Precisely because the Church mistakes herself for the present form of the Kingdom , God 's rule has often had to manifest itself in the secular world outside , and frequently against , the Church ’ ( Pannenberg 1975:78 ) .
17 The managers of nursing agencies have often had considerable experience in assisting nurses back into practice after a career break , and can be extremely helpful and conscientious in responding to any doubts and queries you may have .
18 He had been readily helpful about the mug , identifying it as one Harry had often had with him when he was found sleeping in the porch .
19 They had no particular design , often had several connecting chambers , and continued in use right through to the Late Minoan period .
20 Further education is a service delivered at local level by education authorities and colleges , who have often had room for independent action but little commitment to a coherent policy .
21 When , at the end of the Second World War , France was liberated , those who had collaborated excessively with the Germans often had their hair cut off by the French Resistance .
22 Although Kapil 's arrival led to some sportier tracks around the country , he has often had to contend with unhelpful pitches , which makes his overall record at home even more praiseworthy : 204 wickets in 58 Tests , at an average of 26.73 .
23 The idea of " the people " has often had class connotations , which meant that aristocrats or bourgeois were excluded from the definition of " the people " , as was the case with Sieyes .
24 The women not only carried all the possessions they did n't want to risk losing in large baskets on their heads but also had to control their children and often had to sling them over their backs as they were too weak to walk themselves .
25 As in the case of the construction of canoes for the Kula ( Munn 1977 ) , technology may be thoroughly embedded in cosmology , and even social theorists who would eschew a technological determinism , but wish to characterize societies through more mediated concepts such as ‘ modes of production ’ , have often had to subordinate the organization of production to a host of other elements of social organization such as kinship and ritual ( e.g. Godelier 1972 ; Hindless and Hirst 1975 , ; Kahn and Llobera eds 1981 ) .
26 However , some legislation has influenced this sector since the 1960s , such as the GIA and HAA grants discussed previously , and legislation ostensibly directed at other tenures has often had repercussions for this sector .
27 The authors have often had this situation occur , usually by sheer accident .
28 It is not only that in the past unions have not tried or wanted to recruit such workers ; temporary workers themselves have often had no real interest in being recruited .
29 But the celebrations in the Diaspora and in the Yishuv have very often had a different spirit behind them .
30 Most general practitioners accepted that the service delivered was what you got and I have often had to persuade the patient to accept that .
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