Example sentences of "to have fallen " in BNC.

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1 It just seems to have fallen to us — the Providence of God you know . ’
2 ‘ Even a government-commissioned survey has found consumption to have fallen by 70 per cent since the revolution .
3 Official figures greatly exaggerate the drop in industrial production ( which is said to have fallen by almost a third last year ) .
4 A second body was the Protestant Dissenting Deputies which had been founded in 1732 and was , by the end of the nineteenth century , healthier than its older friend although The Christian World noted in 1901 that it ‘ seems to have fallen on evil days ’ .
5 During a lull , when for once nothing seemed to have fallen under the machine , she tried to catch her attention .
6 Overall corporate profits are estimated to have fallen 15 per cent in the year to last month , with a further 7 per cent slide on the cards for 1992–93 .
7 Spending last year is estimated by the Chemical Industries Association to have fallen by 13 p.c. to £1.86 billion and is likely to be down by another 10 p.c. to £1.76 billion this year .
8 In the UK , investment during 1991 is estimated to have fallen by 15 per cent in real terms , compared with the forecast drop of 10 per cent , according to the CIA 's panel .
9 Fertiliser production for 1991 seems to have fallen by 5 per cent , worse than the predicted -3 per cent , and paints saw a similar pattern .
10 Cosmetic and perfume production appears to have fallen by 8 per cent and detergents by 3 per cent , compared to expected flat growth .
11 In Cumbria , said Redfern , the ‘ height increment [ growth ] does appear to have fallen off markedly since about 1975/6 … down as much as a quarter in recent years . ’
12 What Morrissey still ca n't come to terms with is that now , for some strange reason , hordes of people profess to have fallen in love with him and previous to the band , he often states , no girl ever even took him into consideration .
13 Past gradients seem unlikely to have fallen much lower than this for substantial periods of time .
14 As well as not making top grade in IT industry , France seems to have fallen short of ambitions in using the technology .
15 It was too big to have fallen down the plug-hole , or so it was reckoned .
16 Do you know the theory that Louisa Musgrove ought to have fallen out of a gig , but Jane Austen could not bear it because of poor Mrs Lefroy ? …
17 The Inspirals appear to have fallen into a crack in the US market .
18 But will they be able to break the marriage curse that seems to have fallen on the House of Windsor ?
19 He played only 95 full games for Arsenal and is now peddling the last of his talent at Exeter , where he 's rumoured to have fallen out with manager Alan Ball .
20 With house prices likely to have fallen by around 5% in 1992 , a further decline in prices of 2%-3% this year would be sufficient for this traditional trough to be reached .
21 There was such a deep gulf between the stern , dutiful world of my aunt 's upbringing and my schooldays , and the kind of lotus-land I seemed to have fallen into during the last year , that I had sometimes felt , when I bathed my baby or sat giggling in the park with Sophie , that I was taking part , not in real life , but in some wildly unrelated dream .
22 Both main parties appear to have fallen for the rhetoric about the rising tide of crime among the young despite statistical evidence which plainly suggests that the problem has declined in recent years .
23 The total number in India was thought to have fallen to 2,500 , with perhaps another thousand elsewhere .
24 On the night of the 17th and into the next day , the Germans mounted a massive bombardment ; shells are said to have fallen at the rate of 400 a minute .
25 ( Askwith also mentions ‘ some 100 million birds and small rodents estimated to have fallen prey to domestic cats , although surely such a statistic could hardly be arrived at with any confidence . )
26 The dog-handled pot-lids from Mochlos , for example , seem to show a particular dog relaxing on a particular afternoon in the hot bronze age sunshine ; the crowds in the miniature frescoes seem alive with the excitement of the spectacle they are witnessing , and seem to have been caught mid-shout ; the hoopoes in the Pilgrim Hostel fresco seem at first glance to have fallen from the pages of some bronze age edition of Audubon .
27 Much the same might be said of David Capel , another member of that 1990 Caribbean party to have fallen on hard times .
28 Industrial production , which measures manufacturing output and energy production , is tipped to have fallen back sharply in March — the latest figure available — after a sharp drop in oil and gas production .
29 SG Warburgs expect manufacturing output to have fallen about 0.5 per cent on the month .
30 Yet at the broadest level the battle-lines could be said to have fallen into this basic pattern .
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