Example sentences of "to have come " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Daddy would have loved to have come as I said , but he just ca n't get any time off at all at the moment .
2 With the death of Tixier-Vignancour a distinctive line of French politicians seems to have come to an end .
3 The eggs are reported to have come from the monastery .
4 One notable absentee from the squad is Lee Crooks , once rated invaluable by Reilly , who appears to have come to a career crossroads .
5 The practice does take place in the Church of Ireland , though as it happened , it did not seem to have come Lewis 's way at St Mark 's , Dundela .
6 She seemed to have come down to earth , leaving behind the soap-opera image that she had once appeared to be caught up in .
7 Wdowczyk , after only four competitive matches , looks one of the best players to have come to the Premier Division in years .
8 England seem to have come an awfully long way simply to discover that it 's a small world , and the Irish did not need reminding about Murphy 's Law .
9 Take that form literally and there is only one winner on Saturday as Bonanza Boy is bound to have come on for the outing .
10 But the fifth element that motivated Wall Street appears to have come up only with Norman Rockwell and Jackson Pollock .
11 The doctor was too young to have come over in the last war .
12 However stable isotope analysis shows that all the fragments belong to one piece of marble , demonstrating the overall integrity of the piece , and also that the marble is likely to have come from the quarries at Carrara in Tuscany .
13 Two years ago I planted over sixty daffodils , they all seem to have come up , produced plenty of foliage , quite a few had flower buds , but only a handful managed to actually flower .
14 Clearly Helen has looked for ‘ explanations ’ to help her deal with such a painful experience , and the one she seems to have come up with is that she was picked on for the way she looks .
15 Another work you often seem to have come back to is Il trovatore .
16 Like her they were teenagers , like her they had enjoyed a smash hit first single , like her they had happened to have come from somewhere other than Britain .
17 ‘ Someone was supposed to have come up to me and said , ‘ Did n't you know that there are many starving people in Ethiopia ? ’ to which I 'm supposed to have said , ‘ Yeah .
18 The tract also admitted that ‘ there are churches that ought never to have come into existence , churches of dispute and personal pique or eccentricity ’ .
19 The order , put at about £500m , was reported to have come from a group of British fund managers acting through Barclays Bank in London .
20 In a special note about the committee 's findings sent to its 1,250 members last week , Imro wrote : ‘ We can not claim to have come out of this very well : to an extent , Imro was thumped and that is not an agreeable experience .
21 ‘ He seems to have come out of the race very well , but we 'll know how well by next week , ’ said Francois Boutin .
22 With their captain and inspiration , Roy Aitken , suspended , Saints seemed to have come prepared to fight a rearguard action .
23 Fortunately , the rain seems to have come to an end just in time — and , in any case , Hermann Duckek , recognised as the world expert on producing artificial surfaces , says that a downpour could easily be dealt with .
24 The Foxton Lift seems almost to have come and gone in secret ; the remains at Foxton were until recently as mysterious to most people as the Iron Age hill fort at Burrough on the Hill on another side of Leicestershire .
25 At some stage a nine-hole course also existed on Ewelme Common but little is known of it , and other courses are likely to have come and gone .
26 ‘ When the entity of the mandate ended , ’ he said , ‘ two other states — Jewish and Arab — were to have come into existence but the Arab state did not .
27 The diamonds are said to have come from the court dress that Countess Lobkovic is wearing in her portrait outside in the upper passage of the cloister .
28 Still on the right and at eye level on Kampa Island are the eaves of the House of the Virgin Mary , where a painting of the Virgin which was said to have come floating downstream has been used as a house sign and a cult object .
29 Some of the other letters in the box ( the typed ones ) were much less elegant , and seemed to have come from strangers ; they contained advice of a different sort , instructions about where to get sex and how much to pay for it if necessary , often these were just plain filth like I 'd like to do this to you and then I 'd like to do that to you , be at the top of the park in your grey school trousers and I 'll show you what a real man can do for you .
30 And let me tell you , if you were to have come into our servants ' hall on any of those evenings , you would not have heard mere gossip ; more likely , you would have witnessed debates over the great affairs preoccupying our employers upstairs , or else over matters of import reported in the newspapers ; and of course , as fellow professionals from all walks of life are wont to do when gathered together , we could be found discussing every aspect of our vocation .
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