Example sentences of "' groups " in BNC.

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1 Carers National Association has recently produced a publication , Branching out , aimed at carers ' groups , about the work of its 85 local branches which provide support and information to carers in their area , and endeavour to raise awareness of carers ' needs .
2 The conference yesterday approved the Consumers and the Community review report , which proposes : A Department of Consumer Affairs ; Special funding to create local , regional and national consumers ' groups ; Quality and standards controls in local government , and the health and education services ; A Quality Commission to replace the Audit Commission , an Education Standards Council , and a Health Quality Commission ; ‘ Go local ’ health services , increased preventive medicine , and regular health check-ups ; Records of achievement for pupils , a flexible national curriculum , a home/school partnership agreements , and a national schools award .
3 The corporate ascendancy of the trade unions and employers ' groups , with their many offshoots in the world of the quangos , was dismantled after the 1970s .
4 The slogans on buildings round the square and carried by workers ' groups reflected his new thinking .
5 Patients ' groups , including Hospital Alert and the Birmingham Committee for the Rescue of the NHS , joined with the NHS Consultants ' Association and the NHS Support Party , which intends to field GPs as parliamentary candidates in Tory marginals .
6 The drama for women , of course , is that we have been encouraged to become dependent and hold others in dependent relationships and have rarely sought to differentiate : womens ' groups can be as tyrannical as any other when they do not allow diversity and disagreement .
7 The plea , from Japanese war veterans ' groups , comes as a diving team from Bristol begins an expedition in Truk Lagoon today to chart the wreckage of the Japanese 4th Fleet , which was destroyed by the Americans in February 1944 …
8 Japanese veterans ' groups protest that the diving shows disrespect to their war dead .
9 Cole wanted the WEA to maintain , and where necessary restore , its position as the educational representative of the working-class movement , responding to demands for classes by trade unions and other workers ' groups , even if this meant some reduction in the number of courses taught .
10 Programmes include : political campaigns and social action to develop play facilities for children aged 4–14 years ; a drop-in facility for anyone in the local neighbourhood ; a ‘ family friends ’ group ; a ‘ kidscape ’ project ; parents ' groups ; use of volunteers ; a home-school liaison project ; a scrap project providing employment and resources to the local community ; a health initiative .
11 Parents ' groups deserve special mention .
12 Parents ' groups come and go whether or not there are CMHTs and it is difficult to be precise about the CMHT contribution in this field .
13 However , two facts suggest that the time and priority which teams gave to supporting and promoting parents ' groups was highly influential .
14 Whilst most parents ' groups continued to focus on mutual support , these examples of service provision represent a considerable net addition to the facilities available in the County ; they also reflect the powerful moral and practical support given to the development of parents ' groups by the CMHTs .
15 Whilst most parents ' groups continued to focus on mutual support , these examples of service provision represent a considerable net addition to the facilities available in the County ; they also reflect the powerful moral and practical support given to the development of parents ' groups by the CMHTs .
16 The use of such tests is a controversial issue , with on the one hand , anti-abortion lobbies arguing that life begins at conception and that therefore all abortion is wrong , through to womens ' groups who believe that such tests should be available to all pregnant women of all ages , so that those who do not wish to take the risk of giving birth to a mentally handicapped child may take the appropriate actions to prevent it .
17 In the boys ' groups , any recognition that images of girls might have a different value from images of boys was met with intense embarrassment .
18 Differences between the girls ' and boys ' groups were marked chiefly by the extent to which they represented themselves as involved readers .
19 The ‘ Grey ’ movement , in the shape of organised pensioners ' groups , is becoming stronger .
20 Having established myself in a job I again became active in boys ' work and took charge of additional Tuxis Boys ' groups in company with Lincoln Lovett , Chief Clerk at the Land Titles Office .
21 These include institutions based in the local economy , such as trade unions or Chambers of Commerce , and those based in the local community , such as tenants ' groups , neighbourhood associations and women 's organizations .
22 These include : Learning , Study and Examination Workshops ; Relaxation and Stress Control Sessions ; and Mature Students ' Groups for older students returning to education after an interruption in their career .
23 Sub-panels and writers ' groups report to the vertical panel and the whole is co-ordinated by the Institute 's professional board .
24 These include establishing contact with MPs , leading academics , employers ' groups and trade unions , as well as a media relations campaign .
25 The emergence of informed lesbian feminist workers in the seventies brought a wave of energy and projects ; setting up girls ' nights , girls ' work conferences , women workers ' groups and training events .
26 This section describes the growth of self-help parents ' groups and services for parents developed by several voluntary associations .
27 A warning note is sounded in the Fish Report ( on special education in the Inner London Education Authority 1985 ) for local authorities , voluntary associations and parents ' groups to move towards stated , written policies on an integrated nursery and pre-school service :
28 No study looks systematically either at the role of girls vis-à-vis masculine delinquency , or at the possible importance of girls ' groups in female deviancy .
29 The councils have ‘ tackled a great variety of jobs : commenting on local plans , clearing up their area , dealing with traffic problems , organising carol services and other social events , protesting about bus routes and becoming involved in the many other neighbourhood activities so typical of residents ' groups and parish pump politics ’ ( Boaden et al .
30 A second tier of officers ' groups have specialised remits and report to the Consultative Council through the OSG ( Richardson and Jordan , 1979 , p. 108 ) .
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