Example sentences of "being left " in BNC.

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1 Even though the gap between clerical and lay religious intellectuals has closed , with clergy being left behind in some areas , the clerics remain the true cognoscenti in religious matters , and are expected to be so by the laity .
2 In those days , spinsterhood was seen as a mark of personal inadequacy , and I , as they probably all realized , was being left on the shelf .
3 Everyone has his own story of being ignored when requesting information and of being left uncertain what to do when things have gone wrong , such as connections lost .
4 ‘ These problems are what lead to that sense of being left out , of isolation and despair , which in turn can lead to the symptoms we are familiar with — drug and alcohol abuse , crime and vandalism , debt and family break-up . ’
5 Peter Davenport , who joined Middlesbrough from Manchester United for £700,000 less than a year ago , may seek a move after being left out of the squad for Saturday 's game at Watford .
6 Moore 's England props , Paul Rendall and Jeff Probyn , belatedly return for Wasps , at home to Blackheath , after being left out of the first two First Division games .
7 From 1984-88 , 35 university law departments lost 127 staff , including nine professors , representing around a quarter of the total number of posts , while recruitment has become increasingly difficult , with some commercial law posts being left vacant because no suitable candidates can be found .
8 The attention to detail displayed by Fox reveals much about New Zealand 's attitude to the game , nothing being left to chance .
9 The structure of the privatisation is such that institutions are effectively being left with no say in how they spend the funds they are supposed to manage on behalf of their clients .
10 In April 1922 , Moscow collectors of valuables were not making proper valuations , and foodstuffs were being left to rot in warehouses .
11 Among Bangladeshis , often enough it is a husband and wife and their sons of various ages , the daughters being left with the joint family in Bangladesh which from there casts its light and shadow on the lives of Bengali women in Britain .
12 It has no executive power , and its recommendations are not binding — which means in effect that the individual countries are being left to implement any proposals agreed at the meeting .
13 Chancellor Kohl wants this process finished by 1991 , which could mean that Britain would have to choose between agreeing on a new treaty for a supranational monetary union or risk being left behind by the rest of the EC months before the next British general election .
14 Chancellor Kohl wants this process finished by 1991 , which could mean that Britain would have to choose between agreeing on a new treaty for monetary union or risk being left behind months before the next British general election .
15 It is mined , then washed , filtered and artificially evaporated before being left to crystallise .
16 This proposes , in essence , that Iraq should get out of Kuwait straightaway in return for being left alone afterwards .
17 NUISANCES AS ISOBEL AND KAREN HAD BEEN , NIGEL FELT DEPRIVED at being left with only his wife .
18 Highgate Cemetery was more or less on his way to the theatre , and although it was almost all old graves without flowers , he had seen some being left regularly by some nutty Communist at the grave of Karl Marx .
19 Dot tried not to mind being left on her own in the basement .
20 She was used enough to being left behind while Gloria went off , but it seemed more dangerous to do it the other way around , for her to leave Gloria behind .
21 It is assumed here that juries and others do attach considerable importance to the label when it is a question of homicide , and therefore that the excessive use of force in self-defence is a matter which is properly reflected by a separate qualified defence , rather than being left to sentencing ( which means executive discretion , if the mandatory penalty for murder remains ) or forced artificially into the doctrine of provocation ( when there may be no real evidence of loss of self-control ) .
22 Time and effort must be taken to break its dependency on the other dog and increase its attachment towards the owner ; short walks without the other dog , short periods of being left at home by itself , perhaps feeding them in separate areas .
23 With this in mind , there is a project at one site in the Cotswolds where a population of badgers known to be infected with bovine TB is being left alone to see what happens to the badgers and also to herds of cattle in the area .
24 ‘ German , Italian and French firms are picking up business while the British are being left behind , ’ he claims .
25 It was hard to imagine Eleanor 's contrariness , since she rarely saw it , but even , Dorothea told herself , were she the dearest , most unselfish soul in the world , she is old , nevertheless , Alida has to carry heavily trays up and down stairs and see the food being left uneaten , to get up in the middle of night after night , to listen to the rambling memories , to put up with incoherence and with having to repeat everything because her mother did not remember .
26 But being left alone was so horrible too .
27 Harking back to the ‘ terrible Winter of Discontent ’ under the last Labour government , the 10-minute film recalled patients being turned away from hospitals , rubbish going uncollected and the dead being left unburied .
28 Being left in front , Morley Street looked a sitting duck approaching the line but scrambled home .
29 Only gradually did my colleagues and I come to realise that we were reporting on a social phenomenon — an aberration triggered by fear of being left behind in a pay race , aggravated by mounting greed and , finally , sustained by sheer bolshieness .
30 AN ELDERLY woman died after being left for 11 hours on a hospital trolley , an inquest was told yesterday .
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