Example sentences of "even saw " in BNC.

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1 The American journalist , Bernard Nossiter , even saw Britain 's decline of manufacturing output as a sign of advance and of maturity , since the British , civilized and civic-minded as they were , were proclaiming the need for more leisure and less regimented ways of living .
2 On a Saturday night I even saw some jewels .
3 I even saw one video of a council meeting where an irate councillor , having virtually dug himself into a trench in an attempt to protect his interests in the face of strategic questioning by the YCCC , actually lost his cool and demanded that an old man who was tape-recording the meeting should either stop recording or get out !
4 On this stretch , I even saw a taxi .
5 I never even saw a bath till I got to America !
6 The most common statement that drivers make after an accident is , ‘ I never even saw him coming . ’
7 I never even saw his penis .
8 They even saw Judy Garland 's fence .
9 If you know what 's good for you , Thessy and Ellen , none of you even saw the Belgian boat this morning ! ’
10 He never even saw Manville coming .
11 I mean , I was one of those kids who never even saw a mirror until I was about thirteen , and by that time it was too late .
12 During filming , we even saw eggs being pushed up and out of the nest while the reed warbler host was still sitting on them .
13 The excitement was increasing and he looked anxiously towards the rampart , afraid that the attack might develop before he even saw what was happening .
14 ‘ I even saw the local cop outside the dentist 's , day of the party .
15 She looked sad and worried , and I even saw a tear or two on her face .
16 Some writers even saw the transition from imagination to rationality as an evolutionary process ; Vico and Rousseau , for example , both suggested that natural man would have spouted poetry before he acquired rational speech .
17 There were days when I never even saw you !
18 She was to be in bed for three days at the doctor 's insistence and she never even saw Alain .
19 Even the scaffold and gibbets at the crossroads were empty ; indeed , I even saw two festooned with garlands .
20 It never even saw Christ . ’
21 I liked Chapman , and even saw the odd game where he played the ball well on the ground , but he and Cantona did n't quite blend .
22 I even saw the bed — ’ She swallowed hard .
23 He never met the young air force crew , never even saw them , yet he has never forgotten them either .
24 I even saw my plectrum .
25 never even saw
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