Example sentences of "many occasions " in BNC.

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1 Amnesty International has asked the Government on many occasions to lift those measures which place obstacles in the path of asylum seekers attempting to gain access to the refugee-determination process .
2 While the latter 's name has been associated on many occasions with Dublin , to date it has not operated here .
3 Jamie called her Ug the Cavewoman , Francis had tried talking with her on many occasions :
4 On many occasions I seen students surprised by the unpredictability of these bits , and are unwilling to use them again .
5 Yeats in a letter specifically invoked the name of Wilfred Scawen Blunt on one of many occasions when he girded in rage against the ‘ unnatural labour ’ that verse writing had become for him , with the disappearance of the less egalitarian society that Gregory and Blunt stood for .
6 But on many occasions you 've got talented people who just do n't fill the job specifications , but whose qualities , put to an objective agreed by everybody , are valuable beyond measure .
7 For the Prince , it was the beginning of a love affair , one that has taken him back to Italy on many occasions .
8 Yet the volunteers had been beavering away down there for two months , working well into the night on many occasions , and were to be there for many more months to come .
9 He was certainly present on many occasions .
10 ONE OF THE few quotable quotes attributed to Vidkun Abraham Lauritz Jonssoen Quisling , uttered with contempt on one of the many occasions when his Norwegian countrymen rejected him , is : ‘ Ibsen knew his people . ’
11 It was uncanny how , on so many occasions , our thoughts were similar . ’
12 David used to get drunk and on many occasions I had to pick him up and carry him home from London , absolutely pissed out of his brain .
13 The arguments had actually been rehearsed on many occasions :
14 He has come to discuss things with me on many occasions and I am always asking him to come and do just one concert with the orchestra .
15 Gobbi had sung Falstaff on many occasions .
16 The many occasions over the years when this summit has been short of water were thus inevitable unless the level of leakage could have been reduced to an absolute minimum .
17 The vehicle used , as on many occasions in the past , was Chapman Pincher , the defence correspondent of the Daily Express who on 19 June entertained George Brown , the ebullient and unpredictable Labour politician , to lunch at the Ecu de France restaurant .
18 It 's simply the tiredness that makes me so unresponsive on many occasions . ’
19 It must have been rebuilt on many occasions , the present building and adjoining mill house dating from around 1726 .
20 It has been rebuilt and extended on many occasions with the passing centuries , much of the present buildings dating from the middle part of the 19th century .
21 Of course , I had heard these same sentiments expressed by his lordship on many occasions before , but such was the depth of conviction with which he spoke in this august setting that I could not help but be moved afresh .
22 In Britain , there are two principal alternatives that have been proved to work on many occasions .
23 It 's not merely a false stance though : the only person who knows the real Morrissey , his mother , has proved this on many occasions by telephoning Rough Trade 's office to complain about their handling of her delicate son .
24 In fact , we have witnessed this very scenario on so many occasions we could not even begin to discuss them .
25 As his wife had pointed out tartly , on many occasions , she herself would never get through a quarter of her work if she indulged herself in such idleness .
26 In fact , on many occasions , Maisie talked more than Henry .
27 Although Rainald was a cleric , he did not take his religious vocation with any great seriousness , and on many occasions used his intelligence to give imperial policies an anti-papal effect .
28 On many occasions I have been exasperated by people attempting these manoeuvres who ca n't even use a harness or sail consistently in strong winds .
29 During the fifties ignorance about Black people was rife : I remember being asked on many occasions , as a child , if I had lived in the jungle , if my parents ate cat food or even people .
30 Unfortunately , they also had the same lack of humour , but Bruce and Tina had many occasions to be glad of their proximity .
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