Example sentences of "between russia " in BNC.

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1 Sorting out the boundary dispute between Russia and the United States . ’
2 The cap also goes with Shatov as migrant , as a railway-station man , a traveller between Russia , Switzerland , and America , a man with an old foreign restaurant bill in his pocket .
3 THE VIABILITY of the Commonwealth of Independent States always hung on co-operation between Russia and Ukraine .
4 Washington is likely to react angrily to Kiev 's stance , the latest example of brinkmanship between Russia and Ukraine over military matters , which could scuttle what was hailed as the most significant arms deal reached by the superpowers .
5 THE bitter tussle between Russia 's parliament and government appeared to be drawing to a close last night after preliminary approval was given to a compromise that would allow President Yeltsin 's administration to continue its reforms .
6 Although relations between Russia and Britain had traditionally been fraught with problems since the Crimean War , the deaths caused great distress at Buckingham Palace .
7 Its successor was another dual arrangement , the Reinsurance Treaty between Russia and Germany ( 18 June 1887 ) .
8 The dispute between Russia and Ukraine over the Black Sea fleet worsened after more than 200 of the fleet 's ships , which are anchored in Ukrainian waters , hoisted the Russian ensign .
9 There 's war between Russia and Turkey in er eighteen er thirty when Russia militarily intervenes in the Turkish revolt .
10 Of course there 's the war war between Russia and Turkey as well in the in in in the eighteen seventies .
11 Erm there 's war between er you get the Crimean war between Russia on the one hand and Great Britain and France on the other .
12 However , the swift rout of China in 1894–95 was followed by a period of tense rivalry between Russia and Japan culminating in the war of 1904–05 .
13 The Soviet Union was conscious of the historic record of confrontation and suspicion between Russia and Japan extending back to the late nineteenth century .
14 After 1895 , as shown by the dispute over the Liaodong peninsula , foreign interests in the area became a bone of contention between Russia and Japan .
15 Thus , by the very beginning of 1947 , and well before ‘ containment ’ , the Marshall plan and the Zhdanov doctrine drew the battle lines between Russia and the US in Europe and in general it may be seen that a framework of impressions , intentions , hopes and misunderstandings was being thrown up which would support US policy towards Vietnam for the next 20 years and under whose weight it would ultimately collapse .
16 But I , I mean through the nineteen fifties there is a reasonable measure of co-operation between the Russians and the Chinese and then from the beginning of the nineteen sixties and onwards there is conflict between Russia and China .
17 Poland was strategically placed between Russia and Germany , and for centuries had been a bone of contention between them .
18 In September 1971 an agreement between Russia and the Western powers acknowledged the division of Berlin , and recognised West Berlin 's status as an area linked to , but constitutionally separate from , West Germany .
19 This complex pattern of social and political agitation was brought to a head by the outbreak of war between Russia and Japan ( January 1904–August 1905 ) .
20 As the Ottoman Empire in Europe disintegrated in the late nineteenth century , leaving a number of small successor states , hostility mounted between Russia and Austria-Hungary over their rival claims to influence in the Balkans .
21 The war between Russia and Turkey broke out in 1787 .
22 A generally swampy land without significant natural resources , Belorussia suffered greatly during the wars between Russia and Poland , and then again during the Napoleonic invasion and World Wars I and II .
23 The Shah like to all it " the crossroads of civilization " , situated as it is between Russia and the Persian Gulf , midway between Europe and the Far East .
24 This expansion of diplomatic contacts between Russia and the other States of Europe did not end with Peter 's reign .
25 The great expansion of diplomatic contact between Russia and the rest of Europe brought about by Peter I inevitably led to an increase in the size and activity of the Posolskii Prikaz .
26 We intend that joint declaration to be turned , during this year , into a comprehensive treaty between Russia and the United Kingdom — the first that we have had since 1766 .
27 It was agreed that barter deals , hard currency , national currencies and other means would be used to settle accounts between Russia and Poland .
28 Relations between Russia and Ukraine
29 Friction between Russia and Ukraine remained high , and reports that the two Presidents were to hold an extra day of bilateral negotiations after the Heads of State summit proved to be false .
30 Negotiations between Russia and all three Baltic states on the issue of troop withdrawals took place on Jan. 31-Feb. 2 [ for January 1992 appeals by Baltic Assembly and Baltic Council see p. 38733 ] .
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