Example sentences of "another 40 " in BNC.

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1 A state of emergency was declared but at least another 40 people were killed the following day .
2 He was granted his request , but he walked another 40 versts to the uezd party committee to see that the promise was kept .
3 I would need another 40 yards off the tee to give myself any sort of chance .
4 He cleaned up his act , quit taking uppers and downers with the help of his wife and the Betty Ford Clinic , and now looks set to go on for another 40 years .
5 Another 40 people are facing charges of riot and conspiracy to cause grievous bodily harm .
6 The Men 's membership was now 180 and the Ladies a mere 33 ( of whom only 16 played ) , and a Joint Membership of another 40 couples .
7 To this Johansson 's team added another 40 TWh per year that Sweden could produce from energy plantations — fast-growing trees planted solely as fuel .
8 Such an unwieldy force consisting of some 200 men was to travel to the target area in 40 jeeps accompanied by another 40 3-ton lorries carrying supplies .
9 This group contrasted completely with another 40 per cent who perceived severe pain from the instant of injury and where the severity surprised them and those who treated them .
10 Zilog accounts for another 40 per cent of sales and the rest is made up of Z80s manufactured under licence from Zilog by companies like Mostek , SGS and Sharp .
11 The contrast illustrates that music moves on , the NME moves on , grudges do n't last forever , and I hope this may be so for at least another 40 years .
12 May you have another 40 years unless , of course , Jesus returns before then .
13 It is estimated that another 40 heavy lorries will be on the roads every week to replace the 24 wagon train which runs to St Helens and Edinburgh carrying 520 tonnes of cider and four loads of electrical light fittings .
14 But now I really can not justify repacking them and squirrelling them away for another 40 years .
15 This ratio has been reported in several series of patients with malignant disease taking continuing oral doses of slow release morphine and having satisfactory levels of analgesia : in one series of 40 patients the mean plasma ratio was 5:1 and in another of 151 patients it was 4.5:1 ; in another 40 patients the ratio in the cerebrospinal fluid was 6:1 .
16 They still had another 40 or so runs to get .
17 They had sublet another 40 hectares because their 52 hectares of valley and mountain holdings still fall well short of their needs .
18 Another 40 runners-up will each win £25 .
19 The report stated that another 40 results were outstanding and that repeat elections were to be held in 20 constituencies where candidates had failed to receive the minimum number of votes .
20 Ready for another 40 years of faithful service ?
21 They plan to build another 40 houses over the next 10 years .
22 Around 300 workers are employed at the Yarm Road site and another 40 jobs are to be created shortly on the back of a telepoint service launch by the company .
23 By contrast it costs about $600,000 to keep someone in prison for life if they live for another 40 years .
24 When in 1951 he demanded another 40 per cent expansion , ‘ that did not work at all , since these steel masters had been so nourished on Malthusianism that their dominant fear was over-production .
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