Example sentences of "more responsibility " in BNC.

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1 The Government is rightly giving more responsibility to local authorities for planning and decision making , while still providing the necessary framework .
2 Decision taking has been delegated down the management structure : sales and support staff have more responsibility and freedom to respond to customer needs .
3 Schools can do much to improve discipline in schools without the use of sanctions — by motivating pupils ( emphasising and rewarding achievement ) , improving the physical environment , giving pupils more say and more responsibility , involving parents , and so on .
4 Their marriage was certainly not typical , yet it is possible that even in the early twentieth century it was not uncommon for retired men to take on more responsibility at home , as many do today : for lack of other evidence , we can only speculate .
5 Pupils themselves have to take much more responsibility for the work they do .
6 subordinates ask for delegated powers or demonstrate potential for acquiring more responsibility
7 Have you just been given a position of more responsibility ?
8 Management committees are being asked to take more responsibility for the shaping of their bureaux by participating in the planning and assessment processes .
9 ( The rank of Feldwebel in the German forces nominally corresponded to the British rank of sergeant , but a Feldwebel enjoyed greater prestige than a British sergeant and slightly more responsibility . )
10 Other changes are also required to reverse the trend towards centralisation and authorities with more responsibility than power .
11 The teaching for objectives ( 3 ) and ( 5 ) may , in practice , run together as increasing competence enables the nurse to take more responsibility for the work .
12 The University seeks to include in its courses activities which promote enterprising qualities in its students by encouraging them to take more responsibility for their own learning , setting their own goals and targets through personal assessment and career planning .
13 As the computer takes more responsibility for routine and mundane processes and tasks , the computer professional has yet more opportunity for creative effort .
14 The time is also right to give more responsibility to the general public where it rightly belongs ; after all , it is your body that is being affected .
15 Seed merchants , garden centres and nurseries , and other plant suppliers , should take more responsibility and provide themselves and the public with more information about plant poisons .
16 I think his experience of farming was somewhat limited because of the time he had spent in the Army , and that would not make things easy for Grandma Hauxwell because she had to take on more responsibility around the farm .
17 Some reasons you may find apply in your case include : deciding on a career change ; looking for more responsibility ( both good , positive reasons ) ; coming to the end of seasonal or short-contract employment ; insufficient money ; wanting to work closer to home .
18 With the growing concern with debt problems , and the difficulties of dealing with new forms of over-borrowing and multiple debt , the credit industry appears to be accepting more responsibility for encouraging and funding money advice services .
19 There is an overwhelming case for giving the D.O. , the most important unit in the whole machine , more responsibility , and for saving him from dancing attendance on Residents who notoriously dodge responsibility .
20 The more responsibility we take for our lives , the more power we have to create life exactly as we want it to be .
21 As we accept more responsibility , so we empower and enrich our lives .
22 And while they charge the teacher with more responsibility than has sometimes been customary in the past , they also bring corresponding rewards in the way of job satisfaction and self-esteem .
23 Some management theorists maintain that in every organisation there is a hard core of mavericks who are reluctant to take on more responsibility .
24 More radical moves to reform the NHS are based on a belief that individuals should take more responsibility for their health care and that this can be achieved by extending the choice of different suppliers of medical services .
25 Strikers should have more responsibility .
26 If Barnes follows this course , he will be rewarded with more responsibility , acting as shepherd for the flock of talented youngsters at the club .
27 Brophy however insisted that if test-tube fusion holds up it would have such a major impact on society that ‘ Sometimes one has more responsibility to society than to the scientific community . ’
28 More responsibility comes with it , of course , ’ he responds .
29 Then you 're like , more responsibility ?
30 A bit more responsibility is called for . ’
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