Example sentences of "about twenty " in BNC.

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1 He also had a singing part — he had to sing ‘ Do n't Blame Me ’ — which was eventually left on the cutting room floor , along with about twenty minutes of Nicholson 's spoken dialogue .
2 ‘ Gallagher made Luke confess in front of about twenty witnesses — that bloody rabble from the pub and the cottages . ’
3 We had about twenty casualties from our own immediate district .
4 It surfaced about twenty feet from the edge of the pool , slid its full length over a shallow sand bar and disappeared again .
5 It took about twenty minutes to ascend the 212 steps , but it was worth the effort .
6 It took about twenty minutes .
7 So I got about twenty records , ten packets of tea , Tropic of Cancer and On the Road , and the plays of Tennessee Williams , and off I went to live with Eva .
8 I went through a bunch of necks and felt them , and after feeling about twenty I said to the guy , ‘ This is the one .
9 I stopped about twenty yards away from the shed , appalled at the scene of utter desolation and neglect .
10 He looked about twenty .
11 And let's say the maximum number of engines we can ever have will be up to about twenty five .
12 So we 're talking about twenty
13 Well , they had about twenty .
14 You know and he 's eighty-two now and er that makes him about five year older than me but to tw I 'm talking about twenty , thirty year ago , five make no difference then , you know and we ha had the same understanding .
15 Up to about twenty years ago , it was thought that protons and neutrons were " elementary " particles , but experiments in which protons were collided with other protons or electrons at high speeds indicated that they were in fact made up of smaller particles .
16 ‘ The beauty and interesting nature of this little bird ’ , Gould wrote , ‘ naturally made me anxious to bring home living examples ; I accordingly captured about twenty fully fledged birds , and kept them alive for some time ; but the difficulties necessarily attendant upon travelling in a new country rendering it impracticable to afford them the attention they required , I regret to say the whole were lost . ’
17 I remember making this point a couple of years ago , yeah I made this point last year and I showed these pictures , I spent about twenty minutes on it , the following week I was , I was libelously accused and it was a libel , it was a serious libel erm er that I , that I said that females always had to submit erm I was very angry about that .
18 I knocked , yeah , I knocked about twenty pounds off .
19 September , October , November , December erm we 're talking about sixteen , eighteen we 're talking about twenty twenty plus weeks twenty twenty one weeks .
20 On to the matter of composting garden waste , then the waste disposal off to landfill from household rescue could be reduced by about twenty five per cent if garden waste was separate County Council refuse site and composted .
21 see talk I 'm talking about twenty five
22 Now the funny thing about it , when I took metallurgy I got , I , I got all this process I knew all about it you know , and er I had it the theory explained to me then , but er I was in the Bell one day about twenty years ago and an old boy came in and I started talking to him and he says , I bet you do n't know what I am ?
23 So , the , the other thing which is er erm , a real problem , partly because of that , is , is when one talks about an increase in in giving , increase in percentage i , or a contribution of the church is in er , we were talking about twenty percent la , twenty one percent last year that would be alright if everybody gave twenty one percent !
24 You you can tell loan sharks , straight away , because the A P R's about twenty seven per cent .
25 Yes , I , I mean , they talk about twenty past the hour , twenty to four .
26 well you know , John Smith laid out his budget for the next , study for the , to cover the next two years and there , I mean there 's no intention to , to change it in the foreseeable future , I mean they 've laid it out for two years so that the basic rate stays the same , that the personal allowances are being increased so that this will take a lot of lower paid people out of tax and that coupled with the child benefit will make everybody up to about twenty two thousand a year better off , and then from there they 'll be a , a , a range of people who to it wo n't make much difference
27 and er , anyway she got me walking out and she says er , see you when I come back , that was er about twenty past that was twenty past eleven was n't it ?
28 Well that was quar that was about twenty past eleven .
29 you got about twenty five if you 're lucky !
30 We got about twenty panels at work and on the panel there 's a little plastic thing stuck on and it needs four keys and one .
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