Example sentences of "have notice " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And Mrs Iverson would certainly have noticed if that had been disturbed . ’
2 I should have noticed .
3 I am writing to warn other dog owners of the potential hazard of the rape plant ( you 'll have noticed the bright yellow flowers now covering so many fields ) .
4 The observant reader may have noticed that I used this construction myself above on p. 98 ; this was done consciously .
5 He was filmed prancing round the forecourt like a wayward member of a modern dance troupe ; the witnesses in the passing cars would n't just have noticed his approach , they would probably have pulled up to watch , so bizarre and entertaining were his surreptitious motions .
6 [ Had I been more perceptive I might have noticed that even in the movies women were always the rancher 's daughter . ]
7 If he had been less aroused he would n't have done it ; if he had been more aroused he would n't have noticed .
8 Beforehand she had combed her hair by the light of the flashlamp , smoothed and rearranged her clothes but even if she had n't Moran would not have noticed this evening .
9 In truth , he was very much smitten by Sarah at the time and he would scarcely have noticed the rather nondescript little sister who fell passionately in love that day .
10 YOU MAY have noticed that MPs , stung into action by last week 's visit by President Roh Tae Woo , slapped in a motion deploring the South Korean habit of eating dog and chips , poodle with noodle and so on .
11 By Gerald Larner FOLLOWERS of the BBC Philharmonic — that small but discriminating section of the concert audience in the North-west — will have noticed a peculiarly high proportion of works featuring solo trumpet in the orchestra 's current programmes .
12 His Dad kept it hanging on a nail in the shed and he 'd have noticed right away if it was missing .
13 There was a time when he would n't have noticed it , but these days he was a little touchy about things like that , especially as Fran was now living with a man fourteen years younger .
14 Only someone who knew her very well would have noticed it .
15 ‘ Yes , well , ’ said Bella , ‘ if you kept your mouth shut and listened a bit more you might have noticed .
16 She would n't have noticed , not like she is now ! ’
17 If he had not drawn her attention to it she would never have noticed the little glass cubicle , tucked away high up under the roof in one corner of the arcade .
18 ( You will have noticed , I trust , that there is no mention of my walking stick and my gloves in this kiosk episode , thus proving that I certainly do not need to use them .
19 They may feel responsible for adding to the dead person 's problems or may feel that if they had been more alert they would have noticed their friend 's or relative 's distress .
20 When she last flew into London no one would have noticed the elfin-formed teenager drift through customs .
21 You might have noticed however , that people can spend small fortunes on themselves , go out to all the trendy places and stand around admiring themselves in their fashionable clothes but find that no one thinks any better of them for it .
22 One thing you might have noticed , though , is that there is only Heather who actually wants to sit next to Gowie .
23 She should have noticed it earlier .
24 Many teachers will have noticed the increasing efforts to sell an area or particular school to the potential recruit .
25 Had the Lebanese gunmen not been so enthusiastic in their celebrations , they might have noticed a small but symbolic incident which cast a shadow over the Syrians ' arrival .
26 Sharp-eyed readers will have noticed that Santa 's address , the answer to Enigma 595c , failed to appear on 2 February with the rest of the answers to the Christmas Enigmas .
27 My mother thought if I 'd been a boy Dad would have lived with us and been grand , or at least people would have noticed us .
28 You may have noticed it yourself .
29 Some women who are infected with this bacterium have little in the way of symptoms , but the majority will have noticed an increase in their vaginal discharge .
30 Remember , too , to check the external defects you may have noticed on your preliminary external inspection .
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