Example sentences of "could hardly " in BNC.

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1 This particular girl , a model , is putting Patrick in his place by going on about cars : ‘ Most of my friends have them on the firm , ’ she said , with the sort of lift of the old proud head that he could hardly believe had not accompanied a limiting judgment on Villiers de l'Isle Adam . ’
2 It was all terrifically exciting and when I got the parts I could hardly believe it .
3 Kezia refused a sandwich but she smiled at Annabel , and — I could hardly believe it — Annabel curtsied .
4 Detective Constable Bewman could hardly contain his excitement .
5 Lucy cooked pasta , Jay could hardly eat , and lit a cigarette as soon as decently possible .
6 But Cameron could hardly move away — the dancers filled the yard , flying toes and heels banged against the shins of the onlooking elders as the dancers twirled .
7 He could hardly ease himself free from the great stinking weight .
8 She could hardly wait .
9 A job like laminating these legs could hardly be more satisfying .
10 The need to emphasise that God would not maintain the system indefinitely no matter what restrictive practices and losses could hardly have been greater .
11 The decade could hardly have ended on a more optimistic note .
12 You could hardly ask for a more exhilarating way to kick off the week 's traces .
13 Eliot borrowed from it for The Waste Land , thus making it permanently famous ; Pound could not have known of it in 1911 , but if he had then visited the Templars ' cavern-church in Aubeterre he could hardly have failed to remember it in the light of jessie Weston 's argument .
14 Among the blest , ‘ Lady Aberconway was put in to please me ’ , and ‘ Madame Strindberg , who ran the Club of the Golden Calf for the sake of the set , could hardly escape a favourable mention . … ’
15 THE FORTUNES of two clubs who joined the League together during the summer of 1984 could hardly be more contrasting .
16 He could hardly adapt the style of the building 's closest neighbour , the Soviet-like Novotel Hotel .
17 The Bedford House team could hardly be in better form either .
18 The contrast in styles could hardly have been more stark .
19 It could hardly complain it was unexpected .
20 SHORT of selecting a dead student , the Nobel Prize Committee could hardly have made a choice more calculated to embarrass and enrage the Chinese leadership .
21 But the modern tram could hardly be more different .
22 While the Protestant church , like the Polish Catholic church , has played an important role in the efforts for reform , the nature and situations of the two churches could hardly be more different .
23 You could hardly blame them , though , for feeling bewildered from time to time .
24 as if in reminder , the new All Blacks have arrived this week , and for the North the contrast between 1979 and 1989 could hardly be greater .
25 People could hardly believe their eyes when they opened their newspapers yesterday morning : alongside the ritual party propaganda there was genuine criticism and complaints .
26 When he was handed the fags he could hardly believe his luck , he smiled broadly , revealing rows of black and yellow teeth , repeating over and over , ‘ Merci , merci . ’
27 I could hardly believe what Taff had just said .
28 I could hardly keep my eyes open .
29 I could hardly believe what I was saying .
30 It could hardly have been otherwise when Thatcher and Kinnock were visiting Moscow and Washington to discuss Britain 's defence policy .
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