Example sentences of "people whose " in BNC.

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1 Each of the people whose story follows is a prisoner of conscience .
2 The Primo Levi who is read by Fernanda Eberstadt is a man who is unable to write about Jews — though he does in fact write about them with great sympathy , believers and unbelievers alike — and who has no feeling for people whose background and abilities are different from his own , though the joy of Levi 's work , for other readers , is very often that he has such feelings , that he knows himself to be , while also knowing himself not to be , an ordinary man , a worker , a man who worked as an industrial chemist and who was no less of a worker when he wrote books .
3 Sarsby , ( 1984 : 130–1 ) echoing Cheater , points out that ‘ anthropologists have tended to study people whose values and life-styles are different , even in their own society … [ seeking ] the unfamiliar at home as well as abroad ’ .
4 They invited people whose backgrounds were very different to join this ‘ high class Jewish fraternity , ’ and tried to run it as a continuous party .
5 People whose only or main residence is in hospital , or in a residential care home , nursing home or a hostel which provides a high level of care or treatment .
6 Reductions will be available to people whose charge in 1991–92 is more than £52 ( £1 a week ) over the 1989–90 rates bill for the property where they now live .
7 At the moment the academy has a nearmonopoly of the subject , and I would like to see it broken , in a recognition of the traditional cultural truth that good criticism can be written by poets and novelists , and indeed by people whose professional concern is not with literature at all .
8 The poet writes for , and gives a voice to , people whose privileged education has closed off for them the possibility of speaking as limpidly and directly as the speaker of ‘ The Widow 's Lament in Springtime ’ .
9 A special pathos is achieved when the poetry acts out the predicament of people whose all too expert command of language debars them ( paradoxically ) from expressing a common human sorrow — mortality , the fear of it , and its conclusiveness — as limpidly as could Williams 's ‘ widow ’ .
10 In his pre-conference interview this weekend the Labour leader demonstrated a restrained confidence and authority which is new and , if it can be maintained in the heat of battle , likely to prove appealing to the sort of people whose votes he must win .
11 ‘ Many of those who gain in October , will be the same people whose benefits were reduced 18 months previously .
12 Hence neighbourhood police cam deal with offences and develop a familiarity with their local area , knowing that the formal aspects of community relations , such as involvement with youth clubs , schools , and community groups , is being shared with people whose special responsibility this is .
13 People whose own names she was no long certain of called out her name and she smiled and nodded by way of general response .
14 This sentence , by the Brazilian film-maker Glauber Rocha , written at the turn of the 1970s , clearly identifies a form of expression with a mass of oppressed people whose experience has been continuous over at least four centuries .
15 Refugees are people whose lives have been shattered by intolerance , persecution , torture and fear of death .
16 He repeatedly met people whose lives were desperate .
17 In Tibet this means suppressing a growing number of brave young people whose only crime is to write a leaflet or shout a slogan .
18 SOCIAL Security Secretary Mr Tony Newton announced four steps to protect occupational pensions of people whose companies are involved in takeovers or mergers .
19 He also chairs the powerful Poppy Growers Association , which seeks to protect the interests of tribal people whose only living is opium and heroin .
20 Many who invested in UK-based Barlow Clowes Gilt Managers and its Gibraltar sister operation , Barlow Clowes International , were elderly people whose plight has been made worse by the loss of their savings .
21 He explained that the programme makers had relied on a handful of people whose experience and view of the holiday camp were not representative of the resort as a whole or the experience of the vast majority of holidaymakers .
22 More than 1,600 names — the people whose personal wealth is pledged to meeting insurance claims — lost money when they found themselves having to meet huge bills for asbestosis and pollution claims after Mr Outhwaite agreed to take on the risks from other Lloyd 's syndicates in 1982 .
23 He called for action to tackle the difficulties without ‘ shaming the reputation of this country and infringing the civil liberties of a few helpless people whose only sin has been to seek freedom and our protection ’ .
24 WHOSE job is it to look after people whose bodies are incapacitated , for one reason or another ?
25 As Harvey Wilson , says , ‘ Nobody puts their name to a business they 're not proud of and , by the same token , it gives the customer confidence to know that somebody is accountable at the end of the day … that they are dealing with a company that is owned and run by the people whose names appear on the top of letterhead . ’
26 The assumption was that she would bring in a number of new people whose loyalty she could count on .
27 Take such people as Gladys Aylward , D.L. Moody , Mother Teresa and many other ‘ average ’ people whose lives were made remarkable through the grace of God .
28 People who are blind can not judge the colour of light , people who are totally deaf can not assess the wonder of a Mendelssohn sonata , and people whose whole experience of life has been lived in the darkness of materialism can not fully appreciate the holiness and perfection of God who dwells in light unapproachable .
29 To pursue political objectives seriously , they must work with the very people whose religious beliefs are most antithetical to their own .
30 When , in 1989 , Princess Anne and her husband , Mark Phillips , separated , they did so with scarcely a murmur , two people whose marital problems were half understood by millions .
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