Example sentences of "as agents " in BNC.

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1 The report recommends relaxation of the ban on police acting as agents provocateurs to permit US-style ‘ sting ’ operations to trap traffickers .
2 Throughout the trial the brothers had maintained that they had been working as agents for the British Government in Dublin .
3 A closer look at class composition and role will put flesh on the bones of distribution statistics and also explain the extent to which the various classes have acted as agents of change .
4 Almost as an off-shoot to lending children good books from their libraries many schools are now acting as agents in selling popular titles .
5 Cooks also published a far-sighted brochure in 1919 Aerial Travel for Business or Pleasure and by 1921 they were acting as agents for eighteen air companies .
6 Within this perceptual framework , White women are frequently seen as agents in the narrative disruption which Black people initiate : it is the ‘ skirts ’ whose sexuality in one form or another is out of control or misplaced .
7 Their training and the pressure to conform to state rules and regulations have over the years made them appear to their pupils , and many parents , as agents of the regime .
8 On this basis he maintains that these adults should not be seen ‘ as agents of social control repressing the young — as reductionist social history might suggest — but as agents of socialization preparing them for their future roles as citizens in a society to which most adolescents gave unthinking and willing allegiance ’ .
9 Banks have a dual role , as agents for their customers who buy and sell foreign exchange , and as dealers themselves in foreign exchange .
10 The elimination of remaining representative elements should remove any doubt about accountability to RHAs and their status as agents of government .
11 This type of coven is usually on the borderline of satanism , and the ‘ sincere ’ members believe that the devil and his demons need them as agents to wreak havoc in the world .
12 Members of the public act as agents , taking orders for goods from family and friends .
13 Associate audits of companies that act as agents , suppliers or contractors .
14 In common with usual practice , most printing establishments acted as agents for the large firms in the country who specialised in wedding stationery .
15 Although there is no direct evidence that officials at the judicial secretariat in Colombo accepted bribes for dismissing or weakening criminal cases prosecuted in the superior courts , there were persons who claimed to act as agents for such transactions .
16 What is the point at which care workers , as agents of society , reject the right of the old person to stay as they are ?
17 According to Pedro Castro Tojín 's testimony , two men whom he recognised as agents of the Guatemalan army forced their way into his family home in the early evening of 17 March 1990 , and opened fire , hitting both himself and his wife .
18 The distinction between co-determination and collective bargaining is important in that works councils , as agents of co-determination , are legally forbidden to call a strike whereas unions , as collective bargaining agents , are not ( Streeck , 1981 ) .
19 As a theory , it has little to contribute to our reflective self-understanding of ourselves as agents of inquiry .
20 Women in the family have been faced with an army of professional experts , acting as agents of the state , offering advice on how they should serve their husbands , run their homes and rear their children .
21 Schools , families , newspapers , unions and so on all contribute to people 's sense of themselves as agents with unique characters and life-plans .
22 But this omission is a consequence of my claim that individualism is fundamentally designed to sustain a conception of individuals as agents .
23 Sociological wisdom , then , whether conventional or radical , has emphasised the importance of lawyers as agents of social control .
24 There is no information on the sinking characteristics of Thalassiothrix mats but new data from sediment trap studies have highlighted the significance of mass sinking of mats of rhizosolenid diatoms as agents of rapid flux to the sea floor .
25 Nonetheless , democratic elitists emphasize that centralization of resource distribution and even policy control has developed in parallel with a continuing ( and for a long time expanding ) role for sub-national governments as agents of policy implementation .
26 The trading employees in India were not paid salaries in the modern sense of income they could live on ; they got small retainers , starting at perhaps £5 a year , and it was taken for granted that they would supplement their retainers by trading , sometimes acting as agents buying the goods that would eventually be exported by the Company ( though this could easily lead to fraud ) , but more often dealing for their own account .
27 Marketing itself tends to be a more specialist operation organised through trading companies who act as agents for manufacturers .
28 The traditional legal model of the company originally treated the directors of the company as agents of the company .
29 Furthermore , the shareholders as the principal were entitled to issue specific instructions to the directors which as agents they were obliged to implement .
30 Particularly in Southeast Asia , China and South America , there is a whole group interested in buying art who neither have experience of buying at auction nor understand our role as agents acting on behalf of buyers and sellers .
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