Example sentences of "are over " in BNC.

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1 In Constanta , alone , there are over 550 children with AIDS .
2 In Constanta alone there are over 550 children with AIDS .
3 There are over 2,300 inmates on America 's death rows : all have found themselves caught up in the nightmare that is the US capital law system .
4 There is just one problem with that essential book Gardens of England and Wales Open to the Public 1991 — there are over 2,600 gardens to choose from .
5 There are over a thousand different shapes of carving chisels and gouges .
6 There are over 170 groups in the country .
7 You can get a free safety check on gas appliances and installations from British Gas if : your are over 60 years of age and you live alone or with someone who also qualifies ; you are a registered disabled person of any age and you live alone , or with someone who also qualifies ; or you receive a state disability benefit and you live alone or with someone who also qualifies .
8 The majority of these people are over 60 , many are housebound or have mobility problems , and some use oxygen 24 hours a day .
9 Stuart Barber , the National Union of Public Employees ' ambulance official for London , said : ‘ The work-to-rule has exposed the chronic staffing problems in the London Ambulance Service where there are over 160 vacancies . ’
10 Eight of them are over 70 .
11 Sixty one per cent are over 45 , compared with 56 per cent in 1986 , when proprietor Conrad Black started to modernise the image .
12 On top of these ancient hills , which are over 400 million years old , you will be rewarded by magnificent panoramic views .
13 Apart from albums , there are over 100 singles released every week in Britain , and only five to ten of them will have much commercial success .
14 Its total assets are over £2bn .
15 The Victoria 's savings are over £5,000 a year .
16 Now there are over two million Catholics in South Korea .
17 ‘ There are over 200,000 of us but we need more .
18 Analysts guess its annual sales are over 8.5 trillion rupiah ( $4.6 billion ) .
19 Most of its present members are over 60 .
20 Despite huge debts and a still disproportionate reliance on farming , an enviable record of strong growth and low inflation matches an appetite for change that ought not to be surprising in a society where half the population is under 28 ( and more than half the nuns and priests are over 60 ) .
21 Think of the fact that there are over three hundred member churches in the World Council of Churches !
22 A typical Neolithic mine is not very different from our contemporary idea of a mine even though these are over 4000 years old and the interior of the mine at Grimes Graves is shown in Figure 6.6 .
23 There are over 50,000 Vietnamese in what used to be the GDR brought over in the Eighties as Gastarbeiter ( guest workers ) to do menial factory jobs .
24 In Berlin itself , there are over 4,000 Vietnamese , most of whom live three to a room in cramped hostels , paying well over the odds for the privilege ( Germans living in the same accommodation pay considerably less ) .
25 The earth is now thought to be over 5,000 million years old , and the oldest fossils are over 3,000 million years old .
26 Many of these songs — Reach Out I 'll Be There , Just My Imagination , It 's the Same Old Song , Ai n't Too Proud to Beg — are over 25 years old and yet they still send an intoxicating gust of fresh air through the house .
27 ‘ They are over 30 , put performance well down on their list of priorities , and reliability , value for money and mpg at the top .
28 There are over 100 shops in the Quarter , selling a wide range of beautiful jewellery , clocks and watches , often at very competitive prices .
29 In the uplands of Wales 60% of farmers are over 45 years of age ( 20 ) .
30 There are over 500 words on each line .
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