Example sentences of "with russia " in BNC.

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1 Ours currently extol the virtues of Britain 's response to the French Revolution ( £5 ) , remind us of our traditional relationship with Russia ( £10 ) , the danger implicit in teenage romance ( £20 ) and the importance of our architectural heritage ( £50 ) .
2 ‘ We do not want economic war with Russia , ’ Mr Otsason stresses .
3 further east , the border area with Russia is an interesting area , particularly within the Øvre Pasvik National Park where the quiet visitor can see brown bear and elk .
4 Pyramid Research , a Boston-based consultancy , reports that western companies hope to use joint ventures in Eastern Europe to strengthen trading ties with Russia in preparation for the day when Cocom relaxes its controls .
5 The conservative think-tanks set about the prevailing wisdom on welfare policy at home , detente with Russia abroad .
6 Matiness with Russia !
7 Already towards the end of January , when it was made known that German troops were encircled in Stalingrad , the unease registered in numerous reports merged into critical comment expressing fundamental doubts about the necessity of the war with Russia and now also about the truth of Hitler 's explanations for the war .
8 Ukraine , at loggerheads with Russia on military issues , insists that the accord must be turned into a multilateral one and that Russia is not in a position to ratify it on behalf of the other republics of the former Soviet Union .
9 Peace with Russia enabled the German forces to concentrate on the western front before the troops arriving from the United States of America could be fully deployed , so in the spring of 1918 , a massive Germany attack was launched and their troops came within fifty miles of Paris before being halted .
10 Chamberlain returned to Britain and publicly proclaimed ‘ Peace in our time ’ but he had by now realised that Hitler 's word could not be trusted , so he endeavoured to form an alliance with Russia against Germany , the fear of Communism being overcome by the greater fear of Nazi domination , However , Poland refused to agree to Russian troops having the right to cross Polish territory for the purpose of attacking Germany from the east , so an effective alliance was impracticable and Russia became isolated from that proposed pact .
11 August 1939 , Hitler signed a non-aggression treaty with Russia , possibly believing that without Russia as an ally , France would not go to the aid of Poland in the event of war .
12 In 1856 he needed Britain too much to thwart her desires over the Black Sea Clauses of the Treaty and so he accepted them , hoping that it would still be possible eventually to bring about an entente with Russia .
13 Nor can a single moment be cited when Poland , even if only in comparison with Russia , has successfully represented progress or done anything of historical significance .
14 The new State would seek to draw the minorities back into union with Russia but only as ‘ a free and fraternal union of workers and working people ’ .
15 Many local historians will encounter the problem of the varying practices regarding the adoption of the Gregorian calendar — the dating of letters concerning a town 's rope trade with Spain or the wool trade with Russia , to name but two .
16 In some ways the parallel is more with Spain after the death of Franco , than with Russia after the death of the Tsar .
17 Was n't there something wrong with Russia at any time ?
18 As with Russia in 1917 , the larger workplaces ( and there are lots down the Albert Embankment where I work ) , are the significant ones .
19 At that point , Benn had to admit , ‘ my aims to encourage further trade with Russia [ as well as Romania ] and to break through this whole strategic nonsense have come unstuck . ’
20 The greatest stir was caused by Britain 's growing friendship with Russia , culminating in an Anglo-Russian Convention in 1907 and an official visit to Britain by the Tsar two years later .
21 The loans and diplomatic favours that paved the way for the entente with Russia helped to prop up a regime seen by radicals as the major threat to freedom — and to peace — in Europe .
22 Germany now had its separate peace with Russia , and three weeks later it launched a new Western offensive .
23 In the words of a Council of Action handbill issued in October 1920 : ‘ peace with Russia would mean for British workers Cheaper Food , Cheaper Clothes , Cheaper Fuel , Cheaper Building , and More Employment . ’
24 But' , he added , ‘ only a Left Government in this country would enter such an alliance with Russia … . ’
25 A ‘ pact with the Soviet Union to defend democracy against fascism ’ sounded like a very different proposition from an ‘ alliance with Russia to sustain the British Empire against German imperialism ’ — however difficult it might be to distinguish the two things in practice .
26 Although world sales fell slightly during the year , Eastern Europe bucked the trend with Russia in front of the queue .
27 The service 's interest began with his trade with Russia , then moved on to the Iran-Iraq war and the build-up to the Gulf crisis .
28 The heads of the Valuation Department guaranteed me enough work to justify my continued employment , one of my many visits taking me to the Channel Islands during the ‘ phoney war ’ , while the enemy were occupied with Russia .
29 In an interview with the Giornale dell'Arte , Signor Datrino explained that his links with Russia began with a visit there in 1990 with the intention of buying antiques .
30 We are pleased to note that both France and the United States have joined Russia in adopting temporary moratoria on testing , and the US is now committed to achieving a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty at the latest by 1996 , and to resuming talks with Russia to that end .
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