Example sentences of "with human " in BNC.

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1 The rule of law in Sri Lanka has been seriously eroded : in the past three years , over a dozen lawyers have been murdered because of their involvement with human rights cases and at least 20 others have been forced to flee the country after receiving death threats .
2 We may be meant to think that time is simultaneous , in a way that may owe something to the simultaneity propounded , ‘ perhaps ’ , in Eliot 's Four Quartets , where ‘ History is now and England ’ ; or that it is cyclical , a turning wheel , with human depravity paling into insignificance as the wheel turns into modern times .
3 He is both rudderless and becalmed , and the futurity conjured by his letter blends the metaphysical frustration of a brilliant unhoused intellectual torpor with human impossibility : you ca n't cross a river on a chip of wood .
4 But , in the most egregious error of judgement , the film , not content with human interest , ropes in aliens as well , arriving like a deus ex machina from the ocean bed , as though the characters were unable to face their darkest selves without prodding from a benign ET .
5 But , in the most egregious error of judgement , the film , not content with human interest , ropes in aliens as well , arriving like a deus ex machina from the ocean bed , as though the characters were unable to face their darkest selves without prodding from a benign ET .
6 They chime too well with human and especially Russian peasant nature .
7 Many historians maintain that they are concerned , not with human actions of all kinds , but only with those that are reflective , arising from a purpose pursued .
8 At Beltsville in Maryland , a pig injected with human growth hormone grew up to display substantially less backfat ( potentially valuable from the AgriBusiness point of view ) , but it also suffered from arthritis , poor vision , lack of leg coordination and ‘ susceptibility to stress ’ .
9 So also with human society . ’
10 The poles are supposed to be a wilderness too majestic and innocent to be contaminated with human interests .
11 NUMBER ones from around the world : Bruce Springsteen , who with that manly stubble and grubby string vest has always had something of the macho Mediterranean stud about him , is currently top of the pops in Spain and Italy with Human Touch .
12 In fact a good analogy may be made with human relationships .
13 Because the business of education is largely concerned with human issues , there will be situations arising which do not fit within the rational planning model .
14 The sea urchins are among the most efficient scavengers in the sea-hence their somewhat unsavoury association with human effluvia .
15 In the Qur'an , which is the most sacred text of Moslems , God is more often described in terms of generalised epithets that we normally associate with human life — for instance , Hearer , Keeper , Guide and Pardoner .
16 Corrosion is the main killer of Land Rovers and , as with human ailments , prevention is better than cure .
17 After several months of trials with human gonadotrophin and conceptions which were made in vitro — the mother of course never met the donor of the sperm which fertilized her ovum — a conception was selected and detailed predictions made — ’
18 5.1 Experimental studies with human subjects
19 Most of the experiments on this topic have , however , been conducted with human subjects and I shall begin by reviewing this work before turning to an analysis of the relatively few further studies that have used animal subject to pursue the phenomenon revealed by Lawrence .
20 The first publication reporting an explicit test of the Miller-Dollard hypothesis with human subjects was by Rossman and Goss ( 1951 ) , although their procedure and findings were anticipated by Gagné and Baker ( 1950 ) in a near-identical experiment conducted for slightly different reasons .
21 My conclusions come from experiments in which comparison is made between subjects given discrimination training and subjects given a control procedure of some sort ( or sometimes , in the studies done with human subjects , no pre-training at all ) .
22 There are , however , several studies ( some conducted with human subjects , others with animals ) that allow a comparison between the effects of distinctiveness training and those of equivalence training .
23 for experiments with human subjects when X is a verbal label for stimulus A , the important feature could well be not that X is very much more salient than A but that the mechanisms of human memory are especially adept at maintaining verbal information .
24 These reflections do not come at the end of the piece — Palomar then goes on to make analogies with human communication — but they do encapsulate its essential spirit and that of many other pieces in the book .
25 There are many arthropods associated with human disease , ranging from the larvae of certain flies such as the ‘ Congo maggot ’ which are obligatory tissue parasites and eat away the flesh of an infested person , to the scorpion whose sting can cause serious illness and in some cases , particularly children , even death .
26 Liese made the ocean sound like a hungry beast that demanded to be fed with human flesh .
27 One camp is occupied by the ‘ pragmatists ’ who emphasise conservation in association with human development and the sustainable use of natural resources — in effect , an exercise in damage limitation .
28 ‘ This game was very much like a game of chess , with human beings as pieces .
29 Indeed , children deprived of such stimulation may grow up to have difficulty with human relationships .
30 If the problem of how divine spirit became entangled with human flesh in the person of Jesus , is intractable — so too is the problem of how human spirit relates to a lowly creature .
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