Example sentences of "for russia " in BNC.

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1 At the beginning of the book a dear friend , Charlie , another immigrant boy , leaves for Russia with his family — for the land , they hope , of the free .
2 At the turn of the century industrial production in Belorussia had been half that of the average for Russia as a whole .
3 The quickest and least expensive was the Trans-Siberian Express , although it was a bit of a hassle for me being an American , because Americans are not easily granted visas for Russia .
4 Everyone else had gone to Japan and I was still in New York trying desperately to get a visa for Russia but I could n't get one , so I convince Tony deFries that if I went to Japan and went to the Russian Embassy in Tokyo , they 'd be so confused by an American applying for a visa in Tokyo 's Embassy that i could fake it and get one , and he said I was welcome to try .
5 A big test for all these groups is the election for Russia 's president , due to be held next month .
6 He finally got his passport and left for Russia in 1958 .
7 ON the eve of the most crucial test yet for Russia 's radical reforms , President Yeltsin made clear yesterday he would not cede any of his emergency powers to parliament , although he said some aspects of his economic programme would be softened .
8 Mr Alexander Shokhin , a Deputy Prime Minister , said the West 's £15 billion aid package for Russia now ‘ hung by a thread ’ .
9 The stage is set for a showdown over a new constitution for Russia .
10 For Russia the prize was to command railway routes connecting , it was hoped , Calais to Calcutta or Amsterdam to the Amur .
11 ‘ He could just be heading for Russia via the Czech border … ’
12 Gas pipelines are an excellent investment for Russia .
13 Despite all I had learned of Russian pogroms from my Jewish friends , I was left with an abiding admiration for Russia .
14 Drugs wait for Russia
15 It is working for Russia , a better Russia , in which the state of Georgia plays a rich and useful part .
16 The Home Office agreed , attributing the upsurge to the ‘ general fear of war that exists in the lower middle and working classes , and not to any tenderness for Russia . ’
17 But Denis 's hopes took flight with the break-up of the Soviet empire and he set off for Russia this summer .
18 But now a more menacing threat was posed for Russia : massed German units were attacking the Polish salient from the north , while Austro-German armies thrust up from the southeast — precisely the strategy that the Austrian commander General Conrad von Hötzendorff had advocated in 1914 .
19 For Russia , for the Allies , the brief campaign had proved a disaster of unsurpassed magnitude and marked the beginning of the disintegration of the Russian Army .
20 Such sacrifice , without significant lasting reward , was beyond human bearing , and the ingredients were now marinating for Russia 's collapse into confusion , anarchy and , shortly , revolution .
21 And behind him he had heard gasps as the voice outlined the plan for Russia .
22 Mr Yeltsin has two chief aims : to push ahead with economic reform , and to establish a new form of government for Russia .
23 Western help for Russia is a confusing mess .
24 As a test for Russia 's package , a special case , such a view is perhaps understandable .
25 A sensible aid policy — not just for Russia and Eastern Europe , but for the third world in general — calls for careful priorities , realistic goals and , above all , an understanding that the quality of aid matters much more than the quantity .
26 These risks may well be outweighed by the risks of doing nothing for Russia , which is why the G7 has pushed the Fund to do more .
27 And they 're intervening of course here on the side of a revolt which is going against the grain of erm of certainly for Russia of course of er of of the attitudes of the eighteen erm er eighteen teens early eighteen twenties .
28 His Great Northern War against Sweden , concluded by the Treaty of Nystadt in 1721 , secured for Russia her ‘ window on the West ’ .
29 Most satisfactory for Russia were the gains made at the expense of Turkey .
30 For Russia 's commoners , of course , the frustration experienced by the central government did nothing to make the burdens imposed by the State any less onerous .
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