Example sentences of "was giving " in BNC.

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1 All this came from Lucy in a rush , as if she was giving the background to someone else 's story .
2 It was also announced yesterday that Britain was giving £500,000 to the Urban Foundation in South Africa , a private group backed by South African businesses , to help finance homes for low-income black families .
3 Clearly these involved Roger in a considerable amount of work , and at a time when Roger 's wife was giving birth to their daughter in the UK !
4 Two died of coronaries … and while a policeman was giving a coronary victim resuscitation , a fan relieved himself on both . ’
5 By the time I was six I was giving myself injections , twice a day , before and after school .
6 ‘ By the time I was six , I was giving myself injections twice a day ’
7 Jack felt the need to treat these outbursts by Warnie with firmness as well as with gentleness , not least because his brother was giving voice to feelings which he shared quite passionately himself .
8 But even The Times was giving space to the possible consequences of a royal divorce .
9 Sir Leon , who was giving the Grenada annual address in London yesterday , said that German reunification was becoming inevitable .
10 Mr Zivkovic , a draughtsman who lived in Britain for 24 years after the war but now lives in Tasmania , Australia , was giving evidence for the defence in Lord Aldington 's libel action over allegations by Mr Nikolai Tolstoy and Mr Nigel Watts that he is a war criminal responsible for the forced repatriation of 70,000 Cossacks and Yugoslavs .
11 The party newspaper , L'Humanite , said the firm was giving in to property sharks who want to develop 200 acres around the site where the Renault brothers built their first cars in the family garage more than 90 years ago .
12 His name once appeared in a diary of Colonel Oliver North during the Irangate hearings , though Wilkinson thinks that was because he was giving a lecture in Washington .
13 At the TCCB winter meeting at Lord 's yesterday , the chairmen and chief executives of the 17 first-class counties opted for Chamberlain rather than the only other candidate , Don Perry , the Gloucestershire chairman , and although no one was giving very much away at Lord 's yesterday Chamberlain 's majority , like that elsewhere the previous day , was believed to be substantial .
14 At the TCCB winter meeting at Lord 's yesterday , the chairmen and chief executives of the 17 first-class counties opted for Chamberlain rather than the only other candidate , Don Perry , the Gloucestershire chairman , and although no one was giving very much away at Lord 's yesterday Chamberlain 's majority , like that elsewhere the previous day , was believed to be substantial .
15 He refused to set a time within which he would step down , saying he was giving diplomacy time to solve the crisis peacefully .
16 He refused to set a time within which he would step down , saying he was giving diplomacy time to solve the crisis peacefully .
17 In the Ascot race Brown Windsor was giving him a stone and finished 5 ¾ lengths behind .
18 Israel , whose new ambassador in Washington had complained to the press on February 14th that America was giving Israel the ‘ runaround ’ on housing aid for Soviet immigrants ( the administration wanted to be sure that $400m in loan guarantees , now agreed , would not be used to settle immigrants in the West Bank ) .
19 Mr Bush livened the act last week when he said he was giving Congress until March 27th to decide which current defence programmes should be trimmed to raise $870m for Panama and Nicaragua ( money that is supposed to come from the 1990 Pentagon budget ) .
20 He was giving her orders : she was to hold on to the edge of the pool and breathe deeply in and out .
21 Outside Caspar was giving short barks and whining .
22 She said she would visit ; she was giving a talk in Newcastle and reckoned it was n't that much further to come .
23 He was sitting next to Charity , however , and she was giving him her sole attention .
24 Even though Rome was giving little in return in terms of moderating its claims to be the only true Christian church , faint liberal breezes had been blowing through the Vatican since the second Vatican Council .
25 Spartan Missile had made a bad mistake at the eighteenth and Thorne was giving him plenty of time to recover .
26 The gathering force of worrying rumour about the killing in asylums of mentally sick and incurably ill patients was one factor which , especially but not solely among practising Christians , was giving rise to grave concern and threatening to alienate support for the regime In August 1941 , news of the courageous open denunciation of the ‘ euthanasia action ’ by Bishop Galen of Münster spread rapidly and seems to have persuaded Hitler to halt the killing , at least inside the Reich itself .
27 He himself , by his own self justifying account , was giving the President the facts and pointing out the alternatives ; North , speaking the language of military tactics , was for ‘ boxing him in so there 's only one way he can go — the right way . ’
28 Arran was giving an impression of strength and direction wholly at odds with his personality .
29 Miss Harker , if she had any inkling , was giving nothing away .
30 Until the mishap he was giving me a great feel and I was delighted how he was going in the blinkers . ’
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