Example sentences of "is doing " in BNC.

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1 Literary criticism is doing here what it often does : it has gone for the faults and , in so doing , inverted the truth .
2 Of course , if an actor is doing his/her work well , you will have to work really hard to notice all these things — for the effect will be seamless .
3 Though it is never possible to be sure one is doing the right thing , he wrote .
4 — imagine that something drives one on , a clear vision , that one knows what one is doing .
5 ‘ The IMF will not lend any money unless India shows it is doing something about putting its house in order , ’ he explained .
6 During a recession , the public can not be blamed for watching pennies in the hope that pounds wo n't disappear quite so quickly , but most Britons eat to live rather than living to eat , no matter how the economy is doing .
7 This point ( Wojtas 1982 ) occurs in a description of a new research centre for Police Studies at Strathclyde University , which is ‘ to ask whether anyone is doing research on the police , what degree of co-operation they have met … and to encourage research by the police themselves ’ .
8 It 's not easy to say what the narrating ‘ I ’ is doing at such a scene .
9 And in The Merry Wives of Westminster , knowing just what she is doing , she recreates a world as exotic as that of the Andaman Islanders : the world of cultured Edwardian London .
10 If there were not this evidence that at this point he is only hazily in command of what he is doing , we might ask — though to no purpose , I think — whether Eleanor 's fiddling of her uncle into the see of Canterbury is presented to us for our approval , or the reverse .
11 The company also said that it will continue with its application to the Department of Trade and Industry to operate a ‘ personal communications network ’ , which is expected to present the same opportunities in the next decade as cellular mobile radio is doing in this .
12 A lot of my friends are pleased that the company is doing the job they are doing .
13 While Deng is doing his best to assure the world that nothing has changed , that China will push ahead with its reforms and will hold its door open for foreign business and investment , the post-Tiananmen purging of liberal intellectual elements and the new emphasis on ‘ political education ’ have enormously strengthened the position of the Communist Party 's hardline Marxists , led by Yang Shangkun , the president , and Li Peng , the prime minister .
14 But Mr Abbell is adamant that he is doing nothing untoward .
15 Meanwhile , the Government is doing not as badly , nor Labour as well , as it can appear amid the heady enthusiasm of a conference .
16 ‘ A common public perception is that the Aquino government is doing something that goes against the time-honoured Filipino tradition and cultural values , ’ said Alvin Capino , a newspaper columnist .
17 ‘ I 've told Peter Johnson ( his agent ) to do what everybody else is doing .
18 ‘ America is doing very well , there is a lot of liquidity in the market — and what might happen to the market if Hoylake succeeds in its bid for BAT ? ’ asks Mr Tora .
19 ‘ We know who is doing the killing , ’ said one .
20 But this is precisely what Mr Papandreou is doing .
21 An open policy to trade may be maintained if the nation is doing well economically , but a less successful economic position may lead to swift and much more extreme action to erect trade barriers and bring in other sanctions .
22 What you fear most is an opponent who will point to a few simple but undeniable facts , and this is why the economists , and above all that wonderful race of men the economic journalists great and small , are such indispensable allies to the politician : they enable the politician to fog up what he is doing , so as to escape the blame and often even criticism for his actions .
23 Usually , a band creating a ‘ buzz ’ is doing very successful gigs and totally ignoring the record companies .
24 You should always keep the press up to date with what the band is doing and where you are playing .
25 She seems to thrive on heretical statements and swimming against the tide : ‘ I look at what the cosmetic trade is doing and walk in the opposite direction , ’ she declares with the kind of outspoken defiance that has made her a retailing legend in the decade it took her to turn The Body Shop into a worldwide phenomenon .
26 ‘ Your man warned her not to say anything about what he is doing .
27 I edge back to the tent , I feel lonely , desperately lonely , and it 's not just being alone that is doing it .
28 She is doing ‘ O ’ levels and wants to do ‘ A ’ levels .
29 The attitude of outside well-wishers has too often been like that of a left-wing friend of mine who asked in the early days of the Grunwick strike ‘ Who is doing the organising there ? ’ — as though the workers were just so much raw material waiting to be organised .
30 ‘ We view Brown 's behaviour very seriously , ’ said the presiding official , ‘ he is doing a disservice to the PGA [ Professional Golfers ' Association ] and to everyone concerned with the game . ’
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