Example sentences of "to headquarters " in BNC.

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1 When he heard nothing , he wrote to headquarters again .
2 He once told Earl delightedly that he had spotted Abrams at an airport but Abrams ( perceptiveness not his strong suit ) had not spotted him , and that ‘ his tradecraft of observing was better than Elliott 's ’ Secret agents carried gadgets with which they could speak to headquarters from the most unlikely places ; once , at a party , North was said to have produced a scrambler-telephone from his briefcase , together with a half-eaten sandwich , and to have gone out into the garden to dial the house .
3 On his return to headquarters Stirling discovered there were plans afoot which would have an important impact on the future of his force .
4 It was agreed that £240 be given in donations now , with the proviso that later in the year further sums would be sent , particularly to Headquarters Benevolent Fund , the Star and Garter Home and the Poppy Appeal .
5 Meanwhile he returned to headquarters and the disagreeable task of informing Davout of the outcome .
6 ‘ Anyway , it 's back to headquarters for you now . ’
7 Your kit to headquarters , you 'd soon have to take .
8 He was a passionate tourer , always in motion , descending on his Residents with floods of instructions which resumed their unceasing flow as soon as he returned to headquarters ; and long before Northern Nigeria was brought under effective British occupation , he was composing his Political Memoranda , which in addition to his reflections on the subject of Indirect Rule contained instructions to his officers of a comprehensiveness simply beyond satire .
9 He insisted that the field staff return to headquarters in the winter and this resulted in their having more contact with senior officers and colleagues .
10 Sales figures are sent to headquarters every week and the managing director of each operating company is responsible for hitting the targets .
11 Only a couple escaped , the rest were herded up like pigs and dragged to headquarters for interrogation .
12 The hospital of San Giovanni di Dio was practically next door to Headquarters , which was convenient in the case of patients who required a permanent guard or who had to be questioned at intervals .
13 ‘ What do you think ? ’ the Captain asked Marshal Guarnaccia once they were outside and walking the two or three yards back to Headquarters .
14 The Marshal decided it was time to pay a visit to Headquarters .
15 ‘ You take this horse back to headquarters . ’
16 While some of the less experienced chairmen welcomed guidance from the Central Authority , the majority were more rugged in their resistance to headquarters encroachment on their commercial responsibilities .
17 Harry Randall of the London Board was vociferous in opposition to headquarters , and made the running in the questioning at Area Board chairmen 's meetings .
18 Some chairmen expressed their discontent with Citrine 's centralising tendencies , for example , by asking to be released from their turn at occupying one of the four Central Authority seats reserved for them , or by sending deputies to headquarters meetings .
19 A spokeswoman at NCR said that the 80 UK employees involved will either be relocated to headquarters in Dayton , Ohio or absorbed into the group 's UK sales and marketing department in Chertsey , Surrey .
20 We are one of about three hundred Amnesty groups in the country , probably about this size , perhaps , well were , were , I mean this , this group is probably about an average for the , you know , the groups in the country , some are smaller , some are much larger , but er , usually it 's about a dozen or so people meeting once a month or , or that often in a room , erm , but apart from groups there are a l there are a great many more people who are called individual members of Amnesty about eighty thousand I think now who are , who just joined by writing to headquarters and many of those have no contact with the groups at all , we 've had list of the people in this area and they run into hundred and fifty , two hundred people who live in this area who er , who belong , who , who belong to Amnesty but do n't actually come to a group except for a small number of us .
21 fifty pence each , right , erm , and er fill in the slips and either bring them back to us or send them off yourself to Headquarters , shall I put , I 'll put those out for anybody who feel they could sell them , it all , it all helps to raise money for Amnesty and helps to get them erm spend the money on the new prisoner 's .
22 He then went back to headquarters and together with some colleagues went and collected Mxenge 's car from the parking lot .
23 The first cut should occur with the removal of advisers from battalions and a general cut in advisers to headquarters and service troops : Roberts recommended that no cuts be implemented before January 1951 , as the intervening period was crucial for training purposes .
24 Readers will note a small discrepancy between the total given in the graph and the latest figure , a result of some services for 1990 being notified to headquarters after the preparation of the Annual Report .
25 THE West Wight ladies ' guild announced the very pleasing results of its fund raising efforts for 1990 with a total of £17,833 being forwarded to Headquarters .
26 His experience may tell him that it may be unnecessary or inappropriate in the circumstances , but failure to take one may become visible to headquarters .
27 Erin kicked Khaur over to where he 'd been told to sit when the pilot first landed at the burrow to ferry them back to headquarters .
28 After making several trips to Headquarters in Lincoln 's Inn and each time letting the bus take her on to Aldgate East , she managed to resign from the movement .
29 And they 're right , because the idea of wandering around with a radio-equipped , RISC-based , flat tablet , scribbling notes and then faxing them off Star Trek-style to headquarters , is so far from the reality of poor handwriting recognition , disappointing battery life , so-so screens and skyscrapingly high prices , that most users simply have n't bothered .
30 Because the orders have to be in so that , when Rose goes to headquarters she can fix them up .
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