Example sentences of "to keeping " in BNC.

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1 The implementation of liberty can stretch to keeping places of recreation closed on Sundays , upholding the rights of preachers to speak in public places even if it causes an affray , and opposing the development of catholic schools because their teachers do not communicate the Bible without priestly mediation .
2 A simple guide to keeping your heart young and enjoying it .
3 A merger , Nicholson added , is a more viable alternative to keeping the brewery open than the planned management buy-out .
4 He had to sell Ebberston in 1848 , thanks to keeping too many racehorses and losing too many bets on them , and he died in London in 1866 , cared for in his last years by a kind and well-endowed lady friend called Elizabeth William .
5 His successors , who have presided over the past year 's changes , hoped they too could massage their way to keeping power .
6 On one side was Werner Breitschwerdt , Daimler 's chief executive , a plodding engineer committed to keeping the company focused on the manufacture of its superbly engineered cars .
7 He did have street cunning , most if it aimed to keeping himself a mystery .
8 The alternative to keeping quiet about these problems is , of course , to deny their very existence , and the prize for the most successful campaign of VD eradication , or alternatively the rarest piece of dissembling , must go to Communist China which claims to have got rid of syphilis in the ten years after 1950 .
9 The segregated education system is geared to keeping the majority of black people in subordination , while health and housing conditions are poor and , most importantly , black people have been deprived of political and human rights .
10 The right food and drink are vitally important to keeping warm and healthy in the long winter days .
11 The show will take a look at the latest medical developments , consult leading experts and offer free advice to keeping fit and staying healthy .
12 If we can not face the idea of feeding animal products to our pets then we should switch from keeping cats to keeping canaries .
13 Services to keeping the National Health supplied with patients .
14 A company partner , 33-year-old Anthony Edwards , appeared before the court and pleaded guilty to keeping the vehicle with defective tyres and without an MoT certificate .
15 Moisture matters Now that your skin is toned and refreshed the key to keeping it soft is regular moisturising .
16 The Liberal Democrats are opposed to keeping dogs in high rise housing ‘ except on exceptional human welfare grounds ’ .
17 I read in an old Practical Fishkeeping an article on setting up a South American general community , this set me thinking and I decided to set up a South American Catfish community with a view to keeping some of the more readily-available , but hard to breed catfish and to provide them with the optimum conditions and numbers to hopefully have some breeding success .
18 This is a real advantage when using the A2 live and also goes a long way to keeping the engineer happy in the studio , without taking precious minutes to reprogram .
19 She devoted her whole life to keeping the house clean and cooking his meals , while he vetoed any possibility of her developing hobbies , interests or friends of her own .
20 Two years later , his dedication to keeping the show on the road has paid off with the new £8 million film The Muppet Christmas Carol , which opens in Britain this week starring Michael Caine as Scrooge .
21 Other countries have no scruples about subsidies when it comes to keeping workers employed and preserving their skills .
22 What is required to develop investment business successfully and profitably is a practical commitment to understanding and observing the regulations and to keeping thoroughly abreast of the products and services on offer .
23 Sometimes a mood , or a phase of the menstrual cycle , will bring about a definite aversion to keeping up appearances .
24 When a mother instils in her daughter a strong sense of obligation towards the house , to keeping it clean , tidy , impeccably dusted , the daughter in her turn may find herself either an unhappy slave to these expectations , or else determinedly anarchic in her own home .
25 It also makes more sense when it comes to keeping to your target weight once you have reached it .
26 The secret to keeping the weight down and energy up is to serve meals that are calorie intensive .
27 It is environmental factors and chemical interference that make all the difference to keeping the skin soft .
28 The result will be disappointing , not only for you but also for the bride who has been looking forward to keeping her flowers for ever .
29 Do you see that the promise of things going well with us is attached to keeping the commandment to honour our parents ?
30 Captain Ken Emmott , speaking of G-BJHS 's future said that ‘ the aircraft will have to be moved from its present base at Southampton , where the conditions are not really conducive to keeping a large flying-boat in good condition ’ .
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