Example sentences of "to principle " in BNC.

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1 The Cheka people are devoted to principle … [ they have an ] all-pervading good humour , terseness of speech , a dislike of ready-made formulae .
2 Stern appeals to principle might in time have closed the dollar gap in Britain 's trade with the United States had not cancer removed this economic dictator-by-consent , greatly weakening the Labour government 's authority in 1951 .
3 This is described by another commentator as ‘ a disposal of the grey , day-to-day business of reconciling interests , a fear of the pragmatic soiling of ideals through political compromise , a distaste for cool reason , which threatens to corrupt the hot dictates of the heart , the primacy given to principle , the loyalty to fundamentals , to ruthless coherence instead of to balance , to compromise , which is always thought of as ‘ lazy ’ and close to ‘ horse-trading ’ if not ‘ treachery ’ . ’
4 It was frequently used by statesmen — Palmerston , Gladstone — to provide a moral gloss to a foreign policy that actually owed little to principle and much to the pragmatic calculus of the balance of power .
5 Some considered it to Mosley 's credit that a man who had the ability to attain the highest office in government should have ignored the rules of the political game because of his devotion to principle .
6 Subjectivists regard such instances as anomalous , contrary to principle and therefore as objects of reform .
7 According to principle 3 , on market practice , a firm should ‘ comply with any code or standard as in force from time to time and as it applies to the firm either according to its terms or by rulings made under it . ’
8 In any case , not all bishops had sympathized with Winchelsey , whose tactless and blundering adherence to principle divided the bench .
9 Now it is for us to determine whether a corporation can bring such an action , and I must say that , to my mind , to allow such a thing would be wholly unprecedented and contrary to principle .
10 The court held that the council could not maintain the action : ‘ to allow such a thing would be wholly unprecedented and contrary to principle : ’ 63 L.T. 805 , 806 , per Day J. There were two grounds of decision in effect , first , that a corporation might sue for a libel affecting property but not for one affecting personal reputation and , secondly , that the charge was one of bribery and corruption of which ( see the Metropolitan Saloon Omnibus Co. case , 4 H. & N. 87 ) ‘ a corporation can not possibly be guilty : ’ 63 L.T. 805 , 807 .
11 While the type of hearing may differ within different areas , and while it might vary depending upon , for example , the stage which the proceedings have reached or the nature of the interest being asserted , to go further than this would be contrary to principle .
12 The other reason we claim so often to be arguing about a matter of principle is that there is so little substance in many arguments that a reference to principle is necessary in order to sustain the argument .
13 Such a process will require the same form of periodic review mentioned with regard to Principle 5 .
14 It is contrary to principle that a seller in Scotland should be able to obtain security in this way …
15 My advice to Nationalist MPs is , whether on occasion they support Liberal Democrat or Tory motions on their merits , they should never vote with Labour , as it is a party fundamentally incapable of sticking to principle .
16 So , erm , I 'm going to the toilet now , and then we 'll drive to college , because we 've got so much bloody washing , it 's not all going to principle French college , and erm , you
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