Example sentences of "to parliament " in BNC.

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1 Mr Scargill 's election to Parliament would acutely embarrass Mr Kinnock , but would pave the way for the NUM 's merger with the Transport and General Workers ' Union .
2 Coverage for an initial eight-month experiment starts next month alongside the introduction of cameras to Parliament .
3 Social background may not matter much now ( but until they publish the list we can not judge this for ourselves ) , but the 100 per cent increase in party professionals getting on the list and getting elected to Parliament between 1979 and 1987 can not , surely , be just coincidence ?
4 Indeed the same evidence has been tendered , the same facts had been brought to the attention of the same Committee in 1972 ; but the Committee had reported to Parliament in the opposite sense , stating the opposite to the evidence they had actually received from those who were competent to tender it .
5 The old Minister of Health , 1949–64 , was responsible to Parliament directly for the hospital services , being almost wholly provided by the taxpayer , and indirectly for the health and welfare services provided partly out of the rates and partly out of taxes by local authorities .
6 Although the minister is uniquely and personally responsible to Parliament for everything — everything , that is , outside clinical decisions — which is done or left undone in the health service , he administers it through a hierarchy of non-elective bodies on which the professions are strongly represented and are influential more than in proportion to their numbers .
7 Swinton 's idea for three companies was also presented to parliament in a White Paper , but the general election of July 1945 brought Labour to power before any of the wartime government 's plans could be implemented .
8 As a permanent secretary in the Department of the Environment I was an accounting officer , which meant as a civil servant I was responsible directly to parliament , which also meant I regularly had to go before the Public Accounts Committee .
9 ‘ I wish to express the shock of the French Government in the face of this horrible assassination and convey its condolences to all Lebanese people , ’ the junior Foreign Minister , Ms Edwige Avice , said in a statement to Parliament .
10 It would impute to Parliament an intention to import the convention into domestic law ‘ by the back door . ’
11 It would impute to Parliament an intention to import the convention into domestic law ‘ by the back door . ’
12 In his ministerial programme submitted to parliament for the deputies ' vote of confidence on December 30 , Mr Badran said his government will study the legal and economic effects of martial law after taking steps to return suspended passports , restore the elected boards to the three Arabic dailies and abolish a previous martial law order to dissolve the Jordanian Writers Association .
13 AS ARGUMENT over the Government 's health reforms shifts to Parliament , and with line-by-line combat over the National Health Service and Community Care Bill , so attention is focusing on the quality of care we should expect and receive .
14 Before presenting the Service 's estimates to Parliament , the department should , in theory , prune its programmes down to the financial target line imposed by the Treasury ; but , in practice , it has been found that the bow-wave tends to dissipate as the actual financial year goes by because there are always delays in most programmes that lead to underspending on individual projects .
15 The best and most experienced accounting officers come out about all square and do not have to suffer the indignity of having to ask their ministers to present supplementary estimates to Parliament at the end of the financial year .
16 The day before Mr Yeltsin 's broadside , the new prime minister , Valentin Pavlov , confirmed to parliament that he was planning to increase retail prices by an average of 60% , with wages and benefits to rise 50% in compensation .
17 Like Mr Rocard in 1988 , Mrs Cresson decided not to call for a vote of confidence on her new government 's programme , outlined to parliament on May 22nd .
18 His ousted protégé , the former party chief Zhao Ziyang , sacked in June 1989 for supporting some of the demands of the protesting students , remains a delegate to parliament .
19 By 1652 he was back in England where , in the event , he was able to prove acceptable to Parliament .
20 The Secretary of State is accountable to Parliament for that enormous budget — currently running at over £30 billion a year — and must remain so .
21 The question is whether he can discharge that responsibility to Parliament without being in day-to-day charge .
22 Promises from agriculture ministers to Parliament about ADAS giving free advice to farmers have gradually been ditched since the 1986 Agriculture Act .
23 In 1866 , William Johnson of Ballykilbegs led a banned march , was sent to prison , and on his release was elected to Parliament by Protestant voters .
24 The First Band itself may have seemed of small significance at the time compared to parliament 's apparently much more crucial decision one week after it was signed to go ahead with the marriage negotiations .
25 Pursuant to the promises made to Parliament , four commissioners were appointed on 30 March 1327 , and sat at Chertsey to decide the fate of the Surrey part of Windsor Forest .
26 We are going to go to parliament to ask the men in power there to force those wicked plantation owners to give up their slaves ! ’
27 However , the Tories and Labour signalled that if either emerged as the largest single party they would put a Queen 's Speech to Parliament and dare the other parties to vote them down — possibly triggering another election as soon as October .
28 Asked about Labour 's attitude if it were the largest party , Mr Gould said on London Weekend Television that Mr Kinnock would accept the invitation to form a Government , would draw up a legislative programme and would put it to Parliament .
29 ON the eve of the most crucial test yet for Russia 's radical reforms , President Yeltsin made clear yesterday he would not cede any of his emergency powers to parliament , although he said some aspects of his economic programme would be softened .
30 FRANCE is to suspend nuclear tests at its South Pacific atoll site , Mururoa , this year , M Pierre Beregovoy , Prime Minister , said in his inaugural speech to parliament yesterday .
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