Example sentences of "a huge " in BNC.

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1 You can — in a positive way — by helping the Rochdale Group make their Auction of Artists ' Work a huge success .
2 ‘ Suddenly I was confronted by a huge and altogether indescribable blue figure wearing a red hat .
3 Most new actors have tremendous optimism , as indeed they must , for without belief in themselves training is just a huge waste of time .
4 As the table on page 88 shows , there is a huge choice of pasta as an ingredient .
5 As ‘ Working Title ’ continue to expand and develop , it seems a good moment to look back at some of their prolific and varied output , and we will be screening a number of titles from ‘ MY BEAUTIFUL LAUNDRETTE ’ through the powerful drama ‘ A WORLD APART ’ , scripted by Gillian Slovo , Ruth First 's daughter , and underrated films like ‘ PAPERHOUSE ’ to ‘ ROBIN HOOD ’ , scripted by John Mcgrath , and then a number of their new releases : ‘ EDWARD II ’ ( directed by Derek Jarman ) , ‘ DAKOTA ROAD ’ and ‘ DROP DEAD FRED ’ , which has been a huge box office hit in the States .
6 White ceiling , white curtains shifting in a breeze , a huge bed neither would admit they had seen and what it meant .
7 To her mind , Lucy looked like she could do with a huge warm hug .
8 One time , Dionne brought Jay a huge bunch of plaited purple garlic from the Breton onion man who hung around in Islington from time to time .
9 She made a huge pot of strong coffee .
10 Of course the moth went for the light , Jay went under the pillow , and the moth settled on a huge picture she had of a golden African dawn .
11 A huge local family came in as she was drinking coffee , and suddenly there were voices and laughter as they arranged the stately grandmother at the head of the table , the boisterous children banished to the other end .
12 Time was rolling over him like a huge millstone , a broad grey abrasive surface turning and turning just above him , crushing him smaller , wearing him away .
13 As he said in The Favourite Game : ‘ Seven to 11 is a huge chunk of life , full of dulling and forgetting , ’ though perhaps some of the ‘ forgetting ’ was deliberate .
14 She pointed to a huge mirror with an ornate surround which was leaning against the wall .
15 She was wearing a huge orange tee shirt and black leggings and looked exactly as she always looked .
16 A huge fireplace .
17 Maggie spent the early part of the evening putting together her persona — scarlet lipstick and nail varnish , pale face , sheer black tights , a brief black dress with a bustier top , a black cloche hat , flat lace-up boots , long green earrings and finally a huge , spiky , green cat brooch pinned to her belt .
18 Colin dug out a huge carrier bag .
19 Just before the bell on her last day , Sharon and Maria dumped a huge card on her desk : of the Statue of Liberty togged out as Batperson , all welcoming Batcape .
20 Once through the boulder field , a grassy sward high above picturesque Crummack Dale led steadily up to a broad plateau near Long Scar , from where we had our first view of the distant and brooding Ingleborough rising from a vast array of moor and limestone pavements , shimmering in the summer heat like a huge field of cotton grass .
21 The summit itself is crowned by a trig pillar , a huge cairn , and a walled shelter along with the remains of a celebratory tower built in 1838 to commemorate Victoria 's Coronation , but wrecked by revelling locals after the opening — there were problems with vandals even in those days !
22 One of our walks took us to the top of a huge escarpment at a place called Losiolo , or World 's View .
23 Nearer the top , all the soil and loose stones had been completely eroded away , leaving a huge dome of smooth grey rock .
24 It is , of course , Elbrus , a huge dormant volcano with two summits at 5642 metres ( 18,510ft ) and 5621m , the Western top being more than 800 metres higher than that of Mont Blanc .
25 Grotesque isolated figures — ‘ a huge pock-marked retired captain ’ — loom out of the chaos and disappear again .
26 All — his pride in his memory , his sense of the internationale of writers , painters , musicians , and the aristocrats , his study of form as technique ( no contours , no edges , intellectual concepts , but rounding , thrusting , as a splash of color , as Yeats described his aim in the Cantos … ) it is all a huge AESTHETICISM , ending in hate for Jews , Reds , change , the content and matter often of disaster , a loss of future , and in that a fatality as death-full as those for whom the atom bomb is Armageddon , not Apocalypse .
27 BULAWAYO , ZIMBABWE ( Reuter ) — Joshua Nkomo , 72 , threw a huge birthday and 40th wedding anniversary party at the weekend and President Robert Mugabe was there to seal the unity between the former rivals .
28 Now it is standing at a huge sum , growing rapidly , and it is still not going where it is needed ’ .
29 Such a huge margin of victory has rarely been seen in a tournament of this class .
30 Keith Thomas pressed a button and a huge door clanked upwards so that I could peer into the heart of the furnace .
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