Example sentences of "and sit " in BNC.

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1 Outside diners are given a choice of fish or meat main course when they book , and sit at smaller tables around the antique-filled dining room .
2 ‘ Come and sit down ’ , she said , and led Mrs Phipps to a chair by the useless tea-urn .
3 Come in , come and sit in the front room .
4 Come and sit down and tell me what 's been happening . ’
5 Most modern gliders have their main wheel well ahead of the c.g. and sit with their tail-skid or tail-wheel firmly on the ground .
6 I am nine and-a-half years old and sit in front of the television in England with my brother , watching characters like Meg and Sandy argue in the Cross roads motel , while fat Benny , the tele West Country moron in woolly hat , eats lots of pies .
7 Put your hands over your ears and sit up until your elbows touch your knees .
8 You switch on the kettle and sit on the stool .
9 I thought how nice he was and decided to give him a treat and sit on his lap .
10 The office 's tubby female employee is the constant butt of lines like : ‘ Of course you 're not fat , Beryl … pull up a couple of chairs and sit down . ’
11 I have finished my letter and sit staring down through the orchard thinking about those who have occupied the slit trenches since 6th June : Taff , the mortar team , the others who have gone and have been replaced by new faces .
12 There was one lady called ‘ Toss-Off Kate ’ who used to go round the audience and sit beside various isolated gentlemen and ask them if they wanted to be serviced .
13 I take a camera and sit on the edge of the water .
14 I let Nat have my dogs and sit in with Tony .
15 Then they all come in and sit down to eat .
16 I go and sit down .
17 ‘ Leave me for a bit , Billy , ’ she says with her back to me , so I go out and sit on my bed .
18 I go and sit on the floor by the mattress and watch her .
19 I go back and sit down again , and she takes a hold of my hand and squeezes it like she 's saying sorry or summat .
20 I do like she says , and sit there with the damp towel round my neck and wait for her to come back .
21 I 'm crying a bit as I try and stick the pieces together , but I ca n't do it so I just leave them on the floor and sit back in the chair .
22 ‘ Come and sit down here , Billy , ’ Peter says , patting the sofa he 's sitting on .
23 I ca n't remember where they go , but Peter tells me to bring them too , so I go and sit on the sofa next to him .
24 She switches the light on in her room , and I go in and sit straight down on the chair .
25 I go and sit on the bench in front of the Christmas tree and stare at it .
26 I go back and sit on the bench by the Christmas tree .
27 Every day the Prince and Princess went off on official business , to look at churches , visit hospitals and meet people , and the minute they were back on board the royal yacht , Charles would quickly change into some comfortable clothes and sit on deck with his sketchbook and teacher , until the very last minute before the bell for dinner .
28 I used to pull the blinds , turn out the lights and sit in the dark in terror , thinking , ‘ What am I going to do here ?
29 When we came out of the Clerecia , after dipping hands in the holy water stoup and placing a drop on each other 's brows , as we had seen the novios and novias do ( the boy on entering a church would dip his hand in the water and transfer a drop to his fiancée 's fingertip so that they could cross themselves in unison ) , we would go into La Casa de las Conchas next to the Clerecia , with elaborate wrought-iron window-grilles and its tranquil courtyard , and sit there quietly for a while , thinking of the next poem , or of the one we were working on .
30 We used to go to a certain bar and sit at our favourite table , where we would be joined by a pair of bedizened harridans with dyed orange hair and chipped scarlet fingernails .
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