Example sentences of "and economic " in BNC.

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1 The 1991 Forum will look at Channel 5 both as an opportunity to provide employment and economic growth outside of London and the South East and as a means of making the non-metropolitan voice heard .
2 The ethnography we pursued and the seminar papers we created all tended to include the subjective ‘ I ’ as part of the discourse , and we were encouraged to explore the effects of our history , our social , political , sexual , and economic influences and include our vision of what we had experienced during the fieldwork situation .
3 By the age of 35 he had become the youngest president of the largest and most prominent synagogue in Canada ; brilliantly engineered the merging of all the philanthropic societies of Montreal ( ‘ With a view to obtaining the greatest efficiency with the least possible expense and labour , ’ — surely his own life-principle next to his religious and familial devotions ) ; and placed himself in the forefront of the social and economic battles of the period .
4 But ‘ old age ’ may bring disadvantages and less favourable social and economic circumstances .
5 Age Concern believes that GPs should be encouraged to make rational , efficient , effective and economic use of resources in relation to prescribing , and that the use of drugs for elderly people should be closely monitored .
6 Much as many Ethiopians fear and loathe the government , they are calling for more political and economic freedom , and would not feel liberated by the TPLF .
7 Hungary 's Communist Party is expected to formalise radical political and economic changes at its special congress on Friday .
8 The collapse of Marxism-Leninism has brought us to that ‘ absolute moment ’ which marks the end of humanity 's long journey through the night of political confusion and abortive social and economic experiment .
9 Catholic Christianity , however , insists that social , political and economic tension , discord and conflict are manifestations of sin , springing from humanity 's fallen nature .
10 Another post-Tiananmen worry , greater for for Hong Kong than for any other interested party , must be the future of China 's economy and economic policies .
11 Although it harboured the worst sort of poverty , inequality and exploitation during the 1930s and 1940s , not least because its bright lights attracted millions from the surrounding countryside , it seethed with exuberant life and economic activity .
12 ‘ The USSR has gone through very profound changes and these changes require a reappraisal of our commercial and economic relations , ’ said President Daniel Ortega .
13 In a statement , the foreign ministers said political and economic reforms in Poland and Hungary had made considerable progress but added : ‘ The process remains fragile and could be called into question by economic problems .
14 The group was finally disbanded in 1969 , by which time China had been plunged into virtual anarchy and economic collapse .
15 Her 12 years of compulsory schooling had left her exactly where they had found her — locked into the social and economic limitations of the milieu in which she was born .
16 While most people strongly condemn the drugs traffickers , critics point to the recent drive by international markets to drive down the price of coffee , Colombia 's main export — and to the continuing drain of resources into debt payments to Western banks — as evidence that the international community is not willing to make the kind of sacrifices needed to confront the social and economic roots of Latin America 's drug problem .
17 The need to avoid bad history is the reason the debate over the teaching of history in schools is so important : what is the proper balance between traditional concerns with royalty and battles as against the need to understand the great political movements of our time and the social and economic conditions which spawned them ?
18 Would she — could she — have driven the idea of the community charge through in today 's less confident political and economic circumstances ?
19 Yesterday , King Hussein arrived in Italy at the start of his foreign trip , during which he will discuss Middle East problems and economic assistance to Jordan .
20 The West German government expressed its concern at the police violence against protesters on Saturday , and political leaders in Bonn urged East Germany to bring in political and economic reforms .
21 ‘ There is a direct link between the political situation and economic negotiations , ’ he said .
22 Throughout the Seventies and Eighties — following his final return from postings abroad to work in Poland — he was a determined champion of human and civic rights for all his fellow citizens , regardless of political or religious affiliations , and an untiring advocate of political and economic reform .
23 He knew that these were the essential ingredients of political and economic stability in Poland and that two of them — political opposition and a free press — were the only real guarantees against Government abuse of power .
24 MOSCOW ( Reuter ) — A Soviet parliamentary committee rejected the government 's proposed budget and economic plan for 1990 saying it did not go far enough in adapting the Soviet planned economy to competition and market forces .
25 FIVE WEEKS before Brazil 's first presidential elections in 29 years , an increasingly volatile political and economic situation favours a struggle between youthful candidates of the right and left .
26 The story has then been one of the dynamic interaction of politics and economics , with political change affecting the economy — so far mainly for the worse — and economic crisis sharpening the political struggle .
27 Jordan simply had to come to terms with political and economic imbalances . ’
28 International marketing differs from its domestic counterpart due purely to the differences in the political , social , cultural and economic environment between countries .
29 In their view , the media should be firmly subordinated to the state and its primary function should be to encourage whatever the state defines as ‘ good ’ — whether that be national consciousness and personal self-discipline , or socialist egalitarianism , or a relentless drive towards modernization and economic development .
30 E. D. Vinogradoff has shown how local agrarian social and economic conditions shaped the collective political behaviour of peasants elected to the Fourth State Duma .
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