Example sentences of "and until " in BNC.

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1 Besides , dental treatment is free during your pregnancy and until your baby is one year old , so take advantage of this !
2 The use of correctly converged colour television projectors with pixels superimposed rather than being shown side by side allows present television standards to be used satisfactorily , and economically , unless and until genetic engineering succeeds in altering human optics .
3 Four years after the murder of ‘ little Gregory ’ his successor is still pondering the whole business , and until he makes up his mind Mrs Villemin can not finally be cleared of all suspicion , and her husband can not be tried for shooting Mr Laroche .
4 The markets are demanding a higher and higher premium to hold sterling and they may sell it unless and until it reaches 2.80 against the mark . ’
5 In other words , so far as I am concerned , unless and until we are prepared to deal with this demonstrated cause of inflation and want to do so , we are wasting our time ; and as soon as we want to do so , there is no reason to suppose that there will be any problem or therefore any reason for an incomes policy as defined .
6 This helps to structure the content of its programmes as well as its public image , and until the mid-1980s , Radio I was aiming at the 16–25 age group .
7 Civilization had to be more than a mere confluence of economic interests : ‘ And until we set in order our own crazy economic and financial systems , to say nothing of our philosophy of life , can we be sure that our helping hands to the barbarian and the savage will be any more desirable than the embrace of the leper ? ’
8 We 're articulate enough to fool ourselves that we 're nice people , but there 's a strong undercurrent to our thinking that encourages us to view people with a disability as lesser , and until we come to terms with that , we will never have a proper support system .
9 Little of the frantic and customary Neath 15-man handling movements were seen and until late in the game , three-quarters and full-backs stood motionless , until they also found the driving maul and battering game too appealing .
10 And until a company has the volumes , it will not be able to get the same good terms from suppliers .
11 I am now nineteen and until I was seventeen I was ignorant as any babe .
12 ‘ But unless and until it is endorsed by consent by all the communities in Northern Ireland there can be no significant move forward in that direction . ’
13 And until she 's sure , you ca n't be absolutely sure yourself .
14 After that Charles gave a wide berth to The Antelope , Chester Square , and until Clarissa 's return to London , even his own flat .
15 It was a journey of extreme discomfort , particularly over the cobble stones to the frontier and until the column struck the main road to Brussels at Tournai .
16 This will remain an untestable speculation unless and until we meet other forms of life , but speculation can be useful .
17 He had always seemed a solid family man , and until his exposure there had been no hint of scandal about him .
18 Reshevsky won the American title seven times , and until the arrival of the equally talented and even more combative prodigy Bobby Fischer in the late 1950s , was easily the dominant player in the United States .
19 And until that changes — which is to say until human nature does — the opinion polls , spot on as they frequently are , will continue to experience gratifying humiliations such as last week 's .
20 Because Liberal Democrats alone understand that we shall not change Britain 's future unless and until we change Britain 's electoral system , we are committed to electoral and constitutional reform .
21 However worthy its intentions , and however able its personnel , no government will be able to put Britain right unless and until it has modernised our constitution .
22 Maintain the Anglo-Irish Agreement , unless and until an improved agreement emerges from cross-party talks to replace it .
23 One suggestion has been that the Government would agree to amendments in December 1991 , with the reservation that these would not be binding upon the United Kingdom unless and until they had been ratified and approved by the United Kingdom parliament .
24 Of course , it has always been axiomatic that no treaty amendments can ever be operative unless and until parliament has approved them .
25 By now a waiting list was opened for ladies , whereas men were still keenly sought , and until the membership was built up , prudent budgeting was needed .
26 For as long as these conditions persist , and until a comprehensive range of services is developed to cope with the needs of parents with older mentally handicapped children and adults , there will still be a need for mental handicap hospitals , and there will still be young people being admitted to them .
27 Or should I perhaps sit down in Salzburg with the empty hope of some better fortune , let Wolfgang grow up , and allow myself and my children to be made fools of until I reach the age which prevents me from travelling and until he attains the age and physical appearance which no longer attract admiration for his merits ?
28 The infant Prince was entrusted to an English nurse , Miss Shaw , and until the age of eleven , apart from having a tutor he had no household of his own .
29 Emanuel Hospital , as it was called for two and a half centuries , lived quietly in Westminster into the nineteenth century and until a more elaborate scheme was developed by the Endowed Schools Commission .
30 In any case , for as long as they remain as powerful as they are and until the country is ready for a proper comprehensive system the grammar school should be preserved : ‘ It would , moreover , be absurd from a socialist point of view to close down the grammar school , while leaving the public schools still holding their present commanding position .
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