Example sentences of "of everyone " in BNC.

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1 They had copied out the names and addresses of everyone who wrote to them and enclosed the list with a message of thanks and good wishes , asking that it be sent on .
2 One job has led to another but I do remember a particular film audition which I walked out of , much to the concern of everyone , my agent , and the casting director .
3 Which is not to say , he wrote , that the present project has any value over and above the others , mine and those of everyone else , I have been into the question of value already and will not return to it now , has any value or that its outcome has any value , I have to repeat this , simply that now , for me , today , after the things I have done and given the time left me , it is the most important thing , it is what , from the time I first picked up a pencil and made a mark on a piece of paper , everything has logically led up to .
4 I wanted the approval of everyone from the bus conductor to the Pakistani shopkeeper , because he owned a shop and spoke English .
5 The most important field of study was that of courtly behaviour and manners so that the attention of everyone was focused round the king , prince or prelate .
6 This not only allows him to indulge in more of those awkward movements , which make his first solo such a wonderful parody of classical dance , but shows him as the pathetic clown , always the butt of everyone 's laughter .
7 I do not want to say that we are going to get rid of everyone , only those who are our enemies .
8 He fought for the introduction of a free press , the right of everyone to travel freely , a sound convertible currency and the right to existence of a Polish opposition .
9 Chapter One begins with allegations printed in one of the more respectable weekly magazines that do their best to ruin the reputation of everyone in the public eye .
10 Although there is no survey which would give the extent of overcrowding and involuntary sharing , the evidence of the local authority waiting lists and of everyone 's personal experience shows it to be very great .
11 I attribute that fact , rightly or wrongly , to the realisation of everyone who occupies that position that , while in every other direction insistent and vocal public and professional demand keeps up a constant pressure for expansion and improvement , it is frequently only his own influence and authority which will be exerted to redress the balance .
12 Eventually , you should have collected the opinion of everyone on your ‘ hit list ’ and , if no one has shown any interest in your music , you need to consider their reactions very carefully .
13 He was tortured and temperamental and hugely demanding of everyone around him .
14 The snow may have fallen crisp and even on the NEC in Birmingham but that did n't dampen the enthusiasm of everyone who attended Clothes Show Live .
15 Jeans are a staple part of everyone 's wardrobe — from the boy next door to the rich and famous .
16 The warmth and obvious pleasure of everyone I meet and see in the Cynon Valley that day is humbling and exhilirating .
17 It is a massive redistribution of wealth from one owner ( the Government , on behalf of everyone in the country ) to a much narrower segment of the population ( the 4 to 5 million likely to take up the offer ) who will be able to buy the assets at a discount .
18 It is a massive redistribution of wealth from one owner ( the Government , on behalf of everyone in the country ) to a much narrower segment of the population ( the 4 to 5 million likely to take up the offer ) who will be able to buy the assets at a discount .
19 When he was in a room with people , unless he was following a definite thought , he was so open to their influence that the identity of everyone pressed on him and annihilated him : …
20 But in two matters which concern primarily what we should consider the civil rights of everyone , the Church Courts long retained their jurisdiction : the disposition of the goods of the dead , and questions of marriage and divorce .
21 Only three batsmen got past twenty and none got to thirty , and a total of 137 was clearly a waste of everyone 's time .
22 I 'll destroy loved ones close to me personally , and once I empty the stage of everyone else , I 'll get to work on Seth Morgan . ’
23 What and who was behind the new Ali , the wily Washington lobbyist who had the ear of everyone from Strom Thurmond to Orrin Hatch ?
24 Humans are getting you down , and you need to slink away on your own , down to the bottom of the garden , or to a peaceful patio out of the range of everyone .
25 The aim of everyone , irrespective of weight , should be to modify their eating very slightly to maximize health benefits .
26 Only one rider , a slightly built girl called ‘ Evelyn ’ , was considered to be sufficiently capable to ride this powerful and frightening horse , which she did to the admiration and applause of everyone watching .
27 At first sight it is absurd to propose that Islamic socialization of the economy required the nihil obstat of everyone 's mother-in-law .
28 In 1979 households were delicately ordered and hierarchical social groups in which the senior man had nominal control of everyone : of the women and children , of the other men and , in the experience of living men and women , of attached client and slave households .
29 The word ‘ rape ’ , enough to freeze the bones of everyone there .
30 She had a sudden fearful vision of everyone in the world , the untold billions , including Gorbachev and Reagan , engaged in desperate meaningless activity to stave off the horror of death in life , the accident of life .
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