Example sentences of "have control " in BNC.

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1 The problem , Dr Sagdeev points out , is that in some cases government ministries and departments still have control .
2 He points out that sometimes we have control over our ideas , and sometimes not : often we can set ourselves to imagine what we want ; at other times , however , as in broad daylight , ‘ it is not in my power to … determine what particular objects shall present themselves to my view ’ .
3 Are they saying , they only have control up to a point ?
4 Schools have control of their own budgets , with the freedom that entails .
5 Under the Government 's fund-holding initiative , doctors have control over their own spending on behalf of patients for the first time .
6 This distinction , however , carries less weight , where managers of multinationals have control over much greater economic resources and far more people 's livelihoods than the owners of small local firms .
7 Apathy is an extreme feeling that we no longer have control over our lives or the things that sweep us along .
8 If the countries of the poor world are to escape from the most serious forms of dependence , and if they are to get the best social and economic benefit from their resources , it is essential that they have control over their resources .
9 And this is possible only if they have control over the processes that convert raw materials to products of value .
10 They have control mania !
11 We have control of where we 're going .
12 We might believe we are helpless in the arms of fate/God/luck , or that we have control of our own destiny .
13 It is after all one of the few areas in our lives over which we have control .
14 But freedom presupposes the ability to make choices concerning those things over which persons have control .
15 What 's more , since we have control ( under British Standard 5750 ) of complete production , you can be assured of our quality .
16 It is understood , in Piaroa thought , that women have control over their own biological processes and must take responsibility for them .
17 Only a minority of women are in a position where they have control over substantial financial resources ; however , when they do have such control they give money to their children and grandchildren in the same way that men do .
18 ‘ You have control . ’
19 Once you have control over the words you can concentrate all your efforts on their meaning .
20 This stance is premised on the view that effective change depends on the genuine commitment of those required to implement it , and that commitment can only be achieved if those involved feel that they have control of the process .
21 First , differing parts of the same premises may be covered by different ‘ occupiers ’ who have control over them , and secondly , certain parts may be jointly occupied .
22 Hdt ix 73 : Sparta honours Decelea ) two foreigners , Thebans , are granted preferential seats at the sanctuary spectacles and — a very interesting phrase — ‘ freedom from the taxes over which the Eleusinians have control ’ .
23 A separate source of unresponsiveness to the consumer ‘ electorate ’ derives from the fact that since companies have control over the goods and services made available to the public , consumers can not positively ‘ vote ’ for the production of goods with the particular characteristics that best suit their requirements , but can only ‘ veto ’ the products they are actually offered .
24 And where the members genuinely have control over the board it is legitimate to regard them as partly responsible for any losses that might result , and hence to view it as inappropriate for the court to come to their aid .
25 On the other hand , a number of studies ( Houghton , 1973 ; Evason , 1980 ; Pahl , 1985 ; Bradshaw and Millar , 1991 ) have found that some lone mothers , typically between a quarter and a third , say that they feel better-off as lone mothers than they did as married women because being alone means that they themselves have control over their ( albeit limited ) resources .
26 The next area in which you have control over the final quality is that of the software you choose .
27 Processes of hiving-off , privatization and contracting out are all based on the belief that ‘ public ’ services will be provided more efficiently if those providing them have control of their own budgets and compete for contracts .
28 Who should have control of the curriculum ; do those who have control have the education of all pupils as their first priority ?
29 Otherwise , you have control over the relative sizes of the top vs. bottom line , and have a number of pre-set shapes that the text can take .
30 Ultimately , you have control over your boxer 's weight , height , reach , skin colour , haircut , face , and numerous other considerations .
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