Example sentences of "'s nothing " in BNC.

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1 So , wrote Harsnet , there is continuity as well as discontinuity , but that does not mean , he wrote , that there exists what is called character , personality , character , Goldberg wrote in the margin , personality , as they seem to think , wrote Harsnet ( and Goldberg went on typing ) , when they say you have such a generous character if you would only recognize it , or you have so much to offer , or it is not for myself I speak but for you , not for myself I mourn but for the waste of all that generosity , when they pour those words over you , character , generosity , warmth , looking sad , shedding tears , putting on a brave face , saying do n't pay any attention to me , or , it 's nothing , forget it , I 'm crying for the waste , meaning waste if it 's not directed towards them , but you have only to see what happens when one lets oneself be persuaded by that sort of thing , wrote Harsnet , you have only to see what happened to Hutchinson , MacMahon , Rollins and Goldberg .
2 It 's nothing to be proud of , just a fact .
3 ‘ There 's nothing we can do for her now and it 's House Full tonight .
4 We 're agreed , I think , that , ghastly though it is , there 's nothing we can do for that poor girl at the moment , and that Rita can go on for her .
5 They always stay till there 's nothing left to eat or drink .
6 ‘ Thanks , pet , but there 's nothing you can do .
7 There 's nothing funny about it . ’
8 It 's nothing to be proud of it .
9 It 's nothing to do with coming , it 's everything to do with intoxication , flesh-frenzy , reckless rampant effervescent fever .
10 It 's nothing to do with you . ’
11 ‘ That 's nothing to do with anything .
12 ‘ Well it 's nothing to get upset about .
13 There 's nothing you can do about it , ’ I can hear some of you thinking .
14 These crags are already equipped , and there 's nothing you can do about it except enjoy the security .
15 ‘ I wo n't allow myself to be tortured , ’ Raskolnikov tells Porfiry , but our sense of their three long encounters is that there 's nothing either of them can do about it .
16 He suggests that he 's got no evidence , then that he 's got some evidence , then both at once : ‘ There 's nothing here , precisely nothing , perhaps absolutely nothing ’ — the torture tune .
17 Doubling in Dostoevsky , which goes back to the very beginning , to Mr Devushkin living and not living in the kitchen , which has its post-Siberian developments in the underground man 's now-you-see-me-now-you-don't ‘ flashing ’ of his consciousness , in Raskolnikov 's and Svidrigailov 's different ways of being among but not with us and Porfiry 's torture tune of ‘ There 's nothing here , precisely nothing , perhaps absolutely nothing ’ — doubling takes on a new form in The Possessed , closer to the I/We/They/Everybody/Nobody shifts of The House of the Dead than anything else before it or to come .
18 There 's nothing necessarily wrong with that .
19 ‘ My relatives used to come over and say : ‘ There 's nothing in the shops ’ , and I thought it was ridiculous , because there was plenty , ’ a 47-year-old lathe operator from Dresden told me yesterday .
20 Only we are behaving as if it 's nothing to do with us and that only the West is to blame for the thousands who turn their back on us . ’
21 ‘ There 's nothing special about being a heavyweight or having an Olympic gold medal in the United States .
22 There 's nothing like winning .
23 He 'll want you to know because he 's nothing to hide .
24 Another said , ‘ The way I look at it , it 's too late now ; there 's nothing can be done which can put the clock back ; let's see what we can do to help the victim ’ ( FN 6/11/87 , p. 35 ) .
25 It 's no good standing there , there 's nothing you can do to help . ’
26 When questioned about this , one peasant retorted ‘ From where else are we to take thatch , there 's nothing left on which to feed the livestock , ’ An exception proved the rule .
27 There 's nothing in the way of our getting married , and I love you , Michael . ’
28 ‘ There 's nothing like the lake and the open air for powdering through the lessons . ’
29 There 's nothing daunting about the Healey .
30 There 's nothing unusual about clogged up roads in London , but this was the school half-term holidays — usually a haven of relatively clear tarmac , a glorious window of opportunity to leave home for the office a quarter of an hour later .
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