Example sentences of "n't talking " in BNC.

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1 They ai n't talking no more .
2 But we were n't talking about the motor industry and the never-ending management-union saga .
3 ‘ I ai n't talking to meself , am I ?
4 ‘ You were n't talking were you ? ’
5 ‘ I was n't talking as a steward , ’ he said softly .
6 We are n't talking about knives and guns and machine guns .
7 ‘ I was n't talking about the music , ’ Heidi said .
8 He was n't talking as he sometimes did , just for the sake of making a conversational noise .
9 ‘ I was n't talking to you , of course . ’
10 And after the curtain call , when he was going upstairs to the extras ' dressing-room and had bumped into Mr Potter — she was n't talking at second-hand but had actually witnessed the scene — far from showing remorse he had confronted him as though he was going to head-butt him for the second time .
11 Carey knew that he was n't talking about forgetting .
12 We issued a statement pointing out that she was n't talking to the kidnappers in Beirut , and sent a letter to that effect to every MP , but it was a busy time and no-one really noticed .
13 My friend Pauline , she has a daughter of eight , and her mother and father still are n't talking to her .
14 Is n't talking to yourself the first sign ?
15 ‘ I was n't talking about the weather , ’ Polly began .
16 ‘ Do n't worry , ’ Alexandra said , ‘ I was n't talking to you .
17 By that time no-one was talking to Ram and Ram was n't talking back .
18 And if he was n't talking about the after life , he was talking about birds . ’
19 And he made it clear that he was n't talking about regular reallocation of senior positions in the Church .
20 ‘ I do n't think you do , do you ? ’ said Quiggers , ‘ I think you think , as I do , that Old Mother Walsh was n't talking about a real snake .
21 I tried to have a word with the Cashier but he was n't talking .
22 She still was n't talking , though .
23 We ai n't talking crows .
24 They were n't talking about Edwin Garland ; Edwin had enjoyed life in his own way .
25 Maybe what we should say at the end of the day is erm just is n't talking about that , he 's on about a completely different subject and we really should n't erm we should n't beat over the head for having a bad theory of the self .
26 It was something , thought Stefan , darting a quick glance at Gesner , who looked very slightly uncomfortable , that for once he was n't talking .
27 And the other thing you have to bear in mind is that at the time the original structure plan was drawn up , they were n't talking about the er the structural employment problems that we are at the moment .
28 The I was n't talking about what were included in the calculations , what I was talking about and we may be at cross purposes for that reason is what the policy provides for .
29 The er the honourable gentleman might well have seen a copy of the er the provisional report which has been prepared but that provisional report is er the same basis as the report er which was presented to er Westminster city council er and then we were n't talking er a difficulty of er two million pounds created , created as a direct result of government under funding of the police authority there , we were talking about the expropriation of millions of pounds to line the pockets and to further the political interests of his party and I did notice the honourable gentleman er vociferous in his condemnation of Westminster city council or any of the other tory controlled city councils .
30 ‘ Since you remember those moments we shared so vividly , my prowess as a lover must have left some impression on you , ’ he gritted toughly , then , his eyes glinting dangerously , he told her , straight from the shoulder , ‘ Though in actual fact I was n't talking of our time on your bed , but of your interest in my financial standing ! ’
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