Example sentences of "we heard " in BNC.

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1 He was thirty-eight years old at the time — why the hell had n't we heard of him ?
2 Now where have we heard that one before ?
3 How many times have we heard the phrase , ‘ Saddam Hussein wo n't negotiate ’ ?
4 He then spends ten minutes getting radio engineers — ‘ Here , have we heard of Duns ? ’ — to afford him diplomatic status , and then mend a faulty link .
5 Not since Brian Hayes at his peak have we heard such a master of the phone-in put-down .
6 How many times have we heard women who themselves are single parents saying that equal pay is wrong because men have families to support ?
7 How many times have we heard comments along the lines of ‘ What can you expect from a child from that kind of family ? ’
8 Now , where have we heard that one before ?
9 And where have we heard that before ?
10 And what are they — have we heard that yet ? ’
11 How often have we heard that — and at how many different counties over the years ?
12 How often have we heard the Association lashed by the Banks for our alleged failure to accept Independent Third Party decisions ?
13 Have not we heard planted questions this afternoon that have contained carefully worked-out statistic after statistic ?
14 Who er who have n't we heard from .
15 Well , it 's just coming up to eleven o'clock , who have n't we heard from , er , right , you 've been very very quiet there .
16 We will try to keep our er flow of paper outwards , but if we er are failing or if there are any questions as to well why have n't we heard anything from w for a while , please do get in touch .
17 Have we heard his word ?
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