Example sentences of "she wore " in BNC.

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1 Peggy saw with some dismay that she wore the distant smile of a woman reviewing her late husband 's insurance position .
2 She wore peach satin camiknickers and no stockings — it was breath-taking .
3 She was no taller than I was and she wore a grey thing that looked like a schoolgirl 's dress .
4 Lucy read , and between her sudden fascination for the floor tiles , edge of the table cloth , light thru' the wine glasses , Jay shot glances at Lucy , delirious at how small her hands were , how the rings she wore seemed to hold those tiny fingers together , how she longed to touch , kiss and suck those hands , nuzzle the inside of Lucy 's wrists .
5 Turquoise glass beads from Murano against Astrid 's tanned arm ; she wore pastel turquoise dungarees , a tee-shirt the deep green blue of southern seas in a late afternoon .
6 Around her head she wore , Furu-fashion , the bright band she had woven from the silks .
7 But Mhoira , in and out of the uniform she wore with such pride , was equal to any of them .
8 She wore no pants , but there was no evidence of sexual interference , whatever her killer 's intention may have been , ’ he said .
9 She wore white ankle socks ; my mother preferred me to wear fawn knee-length ones , but our skirts and berets were the same except mine had a leather band inside you could n't see .
10 We were showing a Jessie Matthews film called Evergreen , one of her first films , in which she wore long silk stockings .
11 For example every day when the came to see me she wore a beautiful new sari .
12 She wore her bridal clothes and jewellery : this was how her mother had sent her , for the first time , from her home , taking care that every detail of her ornaments should be perfect hoping , praying that she would be happy .
13 She wore a white blouse with an ostentatious frilly jabot and a big paste spray on one lapel .
14 She wore no scent .
15 Hundreds of millions more watched it on television and can remember the dress she wore , the horse-drawn carriage she arrived in , the kiss on the balcony of Buckingham Palace , the cheering , the music , the colour and the happiness .
16 Culottes and ethnic jumpers , which she wore on her honeymoon , flooded the shops .
17 Later , she wore an extravagant Russian-style creation for the church blessing .
18 McLeish , sitting on the other side of her , huddled on the uncomfortable bench-seating , could smell the faint perfume she wore and thought , with what detachment he could bring to bear , that one of the minor complications of this case was going to be the reactions of every man involved as suspect , colleague or witness , to this beauty he had managed to import on to his staff .
19 She wore a yellow ribbon
20 She wore it in the Springtime
21 Why the Hell she wore it
22 She wore it for her lover who was far , far away
23 Oh , she wore it for her lover who was far , far away .
24 Around her hair she wore a yellow ribbon ,
25 She wore it in the winter and the merry month of May ;
26 In the United States it dates back at least to the Civil War ; the 1949 John Ford-John Wayne movie , ‘ She Wore a Yellow Ribbon ’ , underscores the practice 's lineage .
27 She wore her knowledge like an ill-fitting coat .
28 He would see her in the old holey woollies she wore to bed , rather than an old-fashioned nightshirt .
29 They were slim , pale and elegant , and she wore colourless or pearl nail varnish .
30 The main problem these days , however , was Gina 's appearance , especially the clothes she wore .
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