Example sentences of "she turned " in BNC.

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1 She turned to the two detectives .
2 She turned , all flaxen and pink and white , haloed by the naked light bulbs round the mirror .
3 Her blue eyes were cold as slate as she turned to her husband .
4 She turned towards Bob .
5 She turned back to face me .
6 Her mother 's moodswings began to terrify her , and she would slow to a careful frozen walk as she turned into their street .
7 She turned half-asleep in her big warm bed to curl an arm and herself round Lucy 's hot soft body .
8 For the first time , she turned Lucy down for lunch .
9 She turned and Cameron saw , under her arm , old Donald 's face , eyes staring fixedly , his mouth drooping at one side , a shine of saliva on his chin .
10 She turned back into the bed as a sound came from old Donald 's mouth .
11 She turned to Cameron in a little movement of appeal .
12 That way , every time she turned her head to address one section of the audience , the rest of them would have something to be surprised about .
13 When it had gone she turned to watch the white waves roll up the beach then roll back .
14 She turned the spray and stained the white front of his shirt blood red , then turned back and slowly wrote ‘ carnal knowledge ’ , ‘ impudicity ’ .
15 She turned and looked at me .
16 She turned to the mantelpiece .
17 He touched the woman on her arm and she turned and smiled up at him .
18 She turned to walk back , then decided to jog .
19 She turned up a lane which was even steeper than the road she had just left .
20 She turned and was relieved to see someone who bore absolutely no resemblance to the man she had described to Roger and Caroline .
21 She turned in search of Luke but he must have taken off at Caroline 's approach .
22 She turned over and buried her head in the pillow .
23 How long she had been there , we could not be sure , for if she sat with head and tail aligned along the wall , she was invisible from below , and only when she turned sideways did she come into view .
24 On Sunday at 11pm , Mrs Biky 's basement cavern was still humming with the sound of her sewing machine as she turned out ladies ' dresses and blouses .
25 On the contrary , from the Queen 's Speech of November 1983 onwards , she turned her second term into a crusade of increasing radicalism , the doubts and hesitancies of the first administration mostly shed .
26 Phoebe could accept that , it was how grandmothers were meant to be , but when she turned to her friends , looking for guidance and inspiration , she did not find it .
27 Because feeling grateful towards Rachel made her uncomfortable , she turned her attention to the other guests , a couple of solid neighbours whose grandchildren played in Kensington Gardens with Maggie during the holiday visits .
28 She turned the light on and got out of bed .
29 Stepping out on to grass she turned and knew that she was one of the few in all history and legend who could safely look a dragon in the eye .
30 Suddenly Rachel leant over and kissed Phoebe quite gently on the cheek , and then she turned and led the way downstairs .
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