Example sentences of "or otherwise " in BNC.

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1 No part of this publication may be reproduced , stored in a retrieval system , or transmitted , in any form or by any means , electronic , mechanical , photocopying , recording or otherwise , without the prior permission in writing of the publisher .
2 And Lucy was blithely or otherwise ignoring that fact .
3 This qualitativeness — the ‘ manifest image of the world ’ — is irreducibly connected with what experience is subjectively like , and it is part of what is lost if consciousness is analysed away or otherwise abandoned .
4 It is the essential but usually overlooked fact that in any psychophysical experiment when , for example , subjects are asked whether or not they perceive a stimulus , their responses , verbal or otherwise , can not be relied on as accurate accounts of their conscious experiences .
5 In times of disorientation , intellectual or otherwise , it is sometimes best to stick to the familiar , cling to the known .
6 A review completed in spring 1989 confirmed once again the truths of the business : that catering is an essential and integral part of InterCity travel ; that ( trolleys excepted ) most train catering , modular or otherwise , will ever be a net cost ; and that therefore , the catering budget can only emerge after the extent and level of services have been specified .
7 As for Provincial , if you were visiting an area in which you were not quite sure what to expect , you might find Mark 1 or 2 ( the latter air conditioned or otherwise ) locomotive-hauled rakes of various lengths and compositions , first-generation multiple units ( anything from one to nine cars , riding roughly but still with forward and rear vision ) , or the latest Sprinters , plain , super or express , many with privately run buffet-trolley service on long cross-country journeys .
8 ‘ We are famous for our soups , and we do n't use any oil in them , vegetable or otherwise .
9 That last fact carries with it an unjust overall valuation of student status , eternal or otherwise , and one which Dostoevsky was not prepared to stand by ; which is why ‘ the student ’ becomes Peter Verkhovensky in The Possessed .
10 Most of us have experienced similar examples of such ‘ audience effects ’ on behaviour : playing a game to perfection ( or otherwise ) when the team selector is present , for instance .
11 Release without consent will be a crime , regardless of the innocuousness or otherwise of the organism .
12 ‘ We ought to be under no illusion that the success or otherwise of what is happening in Poland and Hungary will substantially rest upon the actions of the two governments , ’ Mr Major said .
13 Mrs Nutt submitted that it would be difficult , if not impossible , for the appellant to try and set about to prove that the co-defendant had not committed an act of gross indecency with him , that he was in effect deprived of any opportunity of cross-examining or otherwise challenging the co-defendant and that to admit the evidence would be simply to render the proceedings against the appellant wholly unfair .
14 ‘ Have you violated , grossly or otherwise , the laws of war and of humanity ? ’ he asks his client .
15 We will need to discover who is really being stopped from going ahead with legal action , or whether people are making choices between legal action or re-mortgaging their house , a holiday , a car or otherwise freeing money which is tied up . ’
16 Actually , I never mentioned picketing , mass picketing or otherwise , in my speech , but let that pass .
17 They submitted that the commissioner had no jurisdiction to adjudicate on the status of the road verges generally or otherwise than for the limited purpose of deciding what entries should be contained in the register .
18 The most enterprising and literate , those few who had travelled , in the army or otherwise , and the thin cream of village intelligenty ( agronomists and the like ) everywhere rose to the top in order to represent their less sophisticated brethren .
19 The truth or otherwise of this diagnosis would be revealed in the future .
20 But accountability and care no more have to be the absolute precondition , the ever-present animating ethic , of sexual relations , homosexual or otherwise , than they do of any other kind except in the obvious sense that care of some kind is the precondition of almost any shared social activity .
21 Thus containment can effect rather than defeat change ( and this does not presuppose the desirability or otherwise of that change ; it might be reaction or progress or , as in this play , complex elements of both with each differently appropriated for different audience positions ) .
22 But a woman 's success or otherwise is not within her control .
23 They were eating , sleeping , defecating , or otherwise engaged in some momentous enterprise .
24 No form of British assistance , military or otherwise , has been , or will be , given to the Khmer Rouge . ’
25 On October 19 1988 the Home Secretary issued directives to the BBC and IBA ‘ to refrain from broadcasting any matter which consists of or includes — any spoken words , whether in the course of an interview or discussion or otherwise by a person who appears or is heard … where ( a ) the person speaking … represents or purports to represent [ any organisation proscribed under the Prevention of Terrorism ( Temporary Provisions ) Act 1984 or the Northern Ireland ( Emergency Provisions ) Act 1978 and Sinn Fein , Republican Sinn Fein and the Ulster Defence Association ] or ( b ) the words support or solicit or invite support for such an organisation ’ .
26 They categorised all applicants , genuine or otherwise , who were unable or unwilling to specify their long term intentions , as necessarily falling outside the ambit of the rules and thus doomed to inevitable failure when applying for entry clearance .
27 Concern has been growing for some time now , voiced not only by the media but also by some high-powered academics , ex-civil servants and former senior government statisticians , that official information which should be wholly objective is being distorted , suppressed or otherwise interfered with to serve the political ends of the government .
28 The nub of the meeting had been a lengthy discussion on the merits or otherwise of four-day cricket , while matters decided on were the 25-point penalty for producing inferior pitches , retained with wider definition to include over-grassed pitches ; overseas players ( counties may register up to two for next season only ) ; a return to 15-yard run-ups in the Sunday League ; and the making up of lost time in Tests to a maximum one hour .
29 The nub of the meeting had been a lengthy discussion on the merits or otherwise of four-day cricket , while matters decided on were the 25-point penalty for producing inferior pitches , retained with wider definition to include over-grassed pitches ; overseas players ( counties may register up to two for next season only ) ; a return to 15-yard run-ups in the Sunday League ; and the making up of lost time in Tests to a maximum one hour .
30 ‘ In so saying I express no view whatsover as to the correctness or otherwise of the jury 's award ’ .
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