Example sentences of "had largely " in BNC.

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1 Displaced first from the North East/South West corridor and East Coast services , they had largely disappeared from their traditional Midland main line haunts by the mid-1980s , and the arrival of Class 156 Sprinter DMUs displaced the last survivors from Trans-Pennine workings in the summer of 1988 .
2 It appeared that prosperity was being spread around according to classic distributist models , and that the Conservative aspiration of a ‘ property-owning democracy ’ had largely come about since 1945 .
3 British air travel before the war had largely been in the hands of two companies , British Airways for European services and Imperial Airways for services further afield .
4 That the British eventually accepted the American view in most details shows that they had largely subsumed the aviation issue in the larger question of economic viability , and used aviation as a quid pro quo for the American loan .
5 Despite the memorandum by Keynes referred to above , the foreign exchange aspect of overseas government expenditure was conspicuously absent from the debate in the Defence Committee from its beginnings in 1946 right through to August 1947 , by which time it may be argued that the damage had largely already been done .
6 This leads Engels to enthusiastically participate in rather technical debates such as the significance of kinship terminology , or the details of Australian Aboriginal society , details which Marx had largely left alone .
7 Horse-racing , a sport that had largely remained in the hands of the aristocracy and which was the object of criticism from bourgeois ideologues and socialists alike , grew rapidly in popularity .
8 After that it had largely exhausted its potential .
9 This attitude was by no means confined to educated sceptics ; it was probably even more marked among the urban proletariat , who had largely abandoned churchgoing and were alienated from the established Church , which they identified with a repressive economic and social system .
10 By the 1890s architectural styles generally were changing and Gothic had largely run its course ; Cubitt 's arguments were in step with the times .
11 The older dissenting bodies — the Baptists and Congregationalists — had largely thrown off their heritage as ‘ gathered communities ’ founded on an old High Calvinism for a more flexible biblical Protestant creed in a world of expanding knowledge and opportunities .
12 Even before the discussions during and after the Delors Report ( April 1989 ) , the French had largely accepted the German demand .
13 the Victoria County History goes so far as to suggest that the early nineteenth century prosperity of Leicester , based partly on the transport of hosiery goods by canal to London was ‘ probably due in no small degree to the fact that from 1802 onwards the development of communication had largely been completed . ’
14 In throwing away the advantages of the nineteenth-century central city site in the nation 's capital there could be no surer sign that Canadians were allowing Mammon and the attendant philistines to destroy the heritage that had largely made the country .
15 It did not last long and had largely petered out by early 1972 , when budgie gear , baggies and flares with turn-ups , glamrock and other new influences had taken over .
16 Woolton told Churchill his supervisory role had largely ceased to function .
17 His childhood had largely been spent , however , in the more socially elevated household of his snobbish and unloved aunt , Elizabeth Tyler , from whom he may have learnt the polished superficiality of manner which was one feature of his character .
18 Up to the time of this article , Ruskin had largely remained aloof from the controversy .
19 By the mid-nineteenth century , coffee plantations had largely been abandoned .
20 It would be no good stroking their Adult , say , if the transaction had largely come from their Child .
21 Britain had largely abandoned its trolleybuses before these advantages became politically important with the increase in environmental concern in the 1970s .
22 Hitherto , provision of adult deaf organisations had largely been confined to church services and other pastoral services , but in 1871 , a most important step was taken with the founding of Glasgow Deaf and Dumb Football Club , the first sports dub for the deaf in this country .
23 The common law had largely been concerned with action to restore order after disorder had taken place .
24 Shopping , in Canada , had largely gone underground to defeat the climate .
25 By the eighteenth century the older and rougher leathers had largely given way to finer products , often polished and patterned in a variety of ways , e.g. calf could be ‘ sprinkled ’ ( speckled by acid in a regular pattern ) , ‘ mottled ’ ( having an irregular all-over pattern , also produced by acid ) or ‘ diced ’ ( having a pattern of diamond squares ) .
26 It did well enough , though might have done better if it had covered less ground ; also , in the four years that had elapsed since gathering material for it , public interest in the world role that Americans had taken up in the Kennedy years had largely evaporated .
27 For a long time after independence , English was the language of the educated élite , just as it had largely been that of the colonial administration .
28 Most of the Republican politicians who assumed office in April 1931 represented instead that professional middle class and intelligentsia — lawyers and bureaucrats ; literati and journalists ; academics and schoolteachers ; doctors , dentists and vets — which had largely abandoned the monarchy during the 1920s .
29 Actually , a curious discovery is how many scribes and illuminators were still members of religious orders , even after the thirteenth century when book production had largely become a secular enterprise .
30 But for Seldes too it was ‘ the times ’ that had largely been to blame for the infantile nature of the movies .
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